Unintended Acceleration--OOPS! This time it's a Ford! Anyone remember this story from a while back? Ford: Sudden Unintended Acceleration and Stuck Throttles Seems to me that our government, General Obama Motors (GM for short) has forgotten about Ford's own predicament.
Ford has had this recall in place for a couple years now and has addressed and corrected the issue. Ford cant control those who received several notices and failed to act upon them
It's older news, but it's no surprise to me that an "American" company can have unintended acceleration and get very little press for it. Heck, even General Obama Motor's recall of 1.3 million vehicles for a steering problem was but a blip in the news.
Don't forget though, that the contractor that build the power steering systems is partially owned by toyota. and of course, it was the first thing I heard in the news. GM BLAMES TOYOTA. <insert sarcasm> its all toyota's fault..hah
Yea, how did GM's power steering recall go quiet so fast? Is government not concern about those 1.3 million owners?
Exactly my point! I was just talking with someone, and I happened to mention to them--hey, did you hear 1.3 million vehicles were recalled by GM just recently? They had no idea! But they definitely knew about Toyota's problems because it's blanketed everywhere. However, they, like many other people, are confused about exactly what the problems are (what's been proven to be a problem vs. what's been claimed). The only reason I even knew about GM's recall was because it was on Yahoo!'s front page for a whole 2 hours. It was quickly replaced with other hot news, such as Lindsay Lohan suing etrade.com over a commercial (you know, the important news)!