Took the snow tires off yesterday, and even though they were pumped hard, the OEM tires are already showing a significant improvement (even though they're not pumped up as hard). Best guess is nearly 3mpg difference with the OEM's. They really, truly suck it in snow, so I hope we don't get another storm until next winter, but my Prius is clearly happier with them back on - I should get 50mpg ACTUAL (not just displayed) on the current tank if the temperatures hold around 40F.
No fair, I still have a month and a half of snow tires! We got a record setting snow fall yesterday of 16-18"! The car did real well in all that snow though.
Yeah, the snow tires are worth their weight in gold (and lost mpg) in the deep stuff, but not so good on rolling resistance... I got the General Altimax's due to their price/performance, but it may have been worth the extra for some Michelin's - their ratings for rolling resistance were significantly better.
I have Michigan ICE-X snow tires on the car still. Yesterday I drove 80 miles and my average was 63 MPG. They are great tires.
I have the same tires and they are pretty good at keeping the fuel mileage up. I had to make a 95 mile round trip today and watched my tank average go from 39.5 to 45.2 mpg ending with the last flashing pip. I must have been getting some serious mpgs to finish up my tank with a jump that big.
Mine will be taken off on March 19 or at the end of the month. Curious to know if that will change my average consumption ?
Thanks a lot for jinxing us! X-Ices here too, which are very nice, and quiet too, but a couple mpg lower than the Yokohamas, though it has been cooler than last fall.
Of the snow or the car in the snow? Well I took a shoot out the door just now (8:00pm) here. It has been piled (by hand mind you) over the course of the winter but it gives you an idea. We have had some sun over the last couple of days and it has been melting nicely. Here is a picture of the car in the snow last fall. Cheers
I have X-ICE on my Civic, and they work great. Rolling on stock tires right now which is... fun... to say the least in the snow.