Does anyone know if there are any recalls on the 2006 prius.I know the 2010 have had a few problems but hey any new car has a few things not quite right. There just picking on Toyota cause there number 1 right now.
The only recall on the 2004-09 Prius is for the all-weather floor mats; they will replace the floor mats and possibly modify the accel pedal to prevent the possibility of having the mat trap the accel pedal.
I got the recall. What it says they will do "when they eventually are able to do so" is 1. Secure the carpeted mats. "Please ensure they are secured or take your vehicle immediately to a dealer to have them secured." is what the letter read. They may add zip ties to do so or they may not. 2. They will replace the all-weather mats with ones redesigned for safety. 3. They will cut your accelerator pedal to give more clearance to the floor. They aren't doing anything to Pearl, as this is all nonsense. I have tested my car and there is -no way- my pedal can become trapped. Besides, I DO know how to operate a vehicle and can take care of it if it ever jammed in full throttle. -I- know how to shift to "N", -I- know how to apply brakes, -I- know how to turn the car off, and -I- know how to avoid having the car "flip" (flips finger at Sikes).
LOL. I'm waiting for my new all weather mats, not because I think the mat will somehow trap the pedal, but because I already wore a hole thru the driver side mat and I had to patch it from the bottom. I also understand that shifting to N will not cause the car to flip.
When I bought my 2006 prius this past Feb it came without the floor mats. I've been thinking of buying some but cant find any that fit. UGH!:noidea: