Listen, before you yell at me for posting this in the wrong spot, let me tell you that I cannot get anyone to respond after two posts in the other section and I need people from Michigan to respond! We have this great weekend long festival called the Woodward Dream Cruise. It is an entire weekend of driving cars up and down the road called Woodward. It is huge and everyone goes! Technically it is supposed to be for Classic Cars, but what the heck... A couple of us would love to get a caravan of Prii together to drive it. So, if you are in Michign please PM and let me know if you are interested. We need to pull this together if we are going to get this to work! Anyone else in the area is welcome. It is really fun! Thanks. (Please no yelling, I tried in the other section, maybe people just don't read that section as much!)
I'm only 2 1/2 blocks from Woodward (between 14 & 15 mile) so when the time comes and assuming we're not out-of-town, you can count me in!
Please PM me a contact email address so I can add you to the list and send you the details.... where we can meet etc. Thanks. I knew there were some Michiganders out there! Apparently there are 3 of us!
I bought my Prius in Escanaba and I wish you well on your efforts. I have appeared before the organizers of a local car show (in Illinois) to make the point that the Prius is an instant classic. They politely said they would consider the matter and I should come back in 25 years. :?
A new email address for details about the Dream Cruise.... please contact me and sign up by emailing [email protected]. So far so good, no one has yelled at me yet. Thanks.
Just and update: Hybrids to cruise annual event At this year's Woodward Dream Cruise, a new type of car will zoom into town -- the hybrid. Sierra Club activists and hybrid-car owners will join together at 9:45 a.m. Aug. 20 at the Cruise to show off their hybrids, which run on a combination of gasoline and electricity and never have to be plugged in. Hybrid car owners and passengers will meet at the Birmingham Unitarian Church, 38651 Woodward, and then head out to cruise Woodward in their own miniparade.
Thank you to whoever posted this! Perfect... someone else thought of it and organized it and we can just join them!
wow! what an old thread! Yup, I'm in Michigan between Crooks and Main street (Livernois) on 14 mile road. Better late than never.