Just an FYI, in case anyone was wondering. I've noticed it at least 4 times now in the past few days (a few times when it was raining) that the brakes are not fixed on the Jan 28, 2010 production models. I received my car in mid-Feb and it was supposed to have had the software updated before getting here. Not that it bothers me as I can control it when I drive, but I'll eventually take it in to get flashed when the hoard of other recall cars getting fixed on starts to slow down. I'm wondering if anyone who got a Feb 2010 production car is also experiencing the same problems.
My February 22 production car is fixed. I have experienced a sort of strong braking when going over rough areas... Instead of the brakes getting weaker, it feels like I suddenly braked harder even when I did not.
What specifically are you experiencing? The fix does not make the "problem" go away entirely - as I understand it (and as I have experienced it in my own car) it just shortens it up very significantly. There is still a sensation of brakes being less effective, but now it is really momentary - a mere blip - rather than the second or two experienced previously.