I had the V710 prior to the "fix" issued by Verizon. I couldn't wait and chucked it on eBay because the phone angered me so. Does anyone have the LG 8100? That's my next phone regardless but I was wondering how well it integrates with the Prius. What limitations? Thanks.
I got a VZW LG8100 they day they came out. The phone integrates to the Prius over BT... sort of. 1) "Pairing" the phone to the car went off without a hitch. 2) You cannot upload the phone book to the prius because VXW crippled OBEX in the 8100. I have not even found a way to upload the book one number at a time, which I recall reading was possible with the 710. 3) Others have reported a muted delay in answering and placing calls over Bluetooth. I have not experienced this with the 8100. I will probably give up on Bluetooth integration with the Prius because 4) The audio quality of the Prius speakerphone is horrible. Very middly and bassy. I posted a query about this, but got no responses. 5) The Prius handsfree kit implements the Bluetooth headset profile in a very limited way. There is no way to activate the "headset" without a call in progress. This means that you cannot use the voice recognition dialing feature of the 8100 when you're in the car. And since you cannot upload the phone book, the only way to place calls is to open the phone and dial the number, or pull over and dial it on the MFD. All in all, it ends up being little more than a toy and just not worth it. I was using a wired headset with my old LG VX4400, and I will probably return to using the headset. I'm also considering just returning the 8100 (I'm still in the 15 day trial period) because the phone just hasn't blown my socks off. On the plus size, it's as well built as my 4400. On the minus side, the screens are complietely unreadable in direct sunlight, so if I'm outside I cannot see who's calling. The camera/video feature is cute, but not really worth it IMHO. Also, because the phone is digital only (unlike the 4400 which was tri mode), it cannot be used in fringe analog-only areas, or in Mexico. I'm torn.
I thought the call quality with bluetooth and my V710 was iffy at best. I also didn't like the bug that occurred with text messaging. When I send or receive one, the car thinks it's getting a call. Irritating. I want the 8100 for lots of reasons, bluetooth being near the bottom. My 7000 is an amazing phone and I'm a huge LG fan in general. I'm wondering if I couldn't use bluetooth and my iBook to import contacts? That would make the situation passable for me. Any ideas?