I've got the woman for you (NSFW): best of craigslist: I submit this brief in support of why we TOTALLY should get it on. - w4m
What an interesting thread this has become! Burning boats, smelling fear, bits and pieces getting caught in the rigging, upside-down reading, upside-down diving from boats, dating advice for the dateless, and some photo-journalism thrown in! I didn't know strong was the opposite of sensitive for example. I think I have a strong personality, and I can still fetch, carry and stack a heck of a lot of hay. I can take the legs out from under a 100+ kg ram to shear it, but I still get my feelings hurt and I can still be pretty sensitive (some would say hypersensitive) to the signals people send off in a conversation, social situation, or even a large public address or lecture. Do I have multiple personality disorder, or perhaps these characteristics are not causally linked to one another? I wonder whether they are even significantly correlated. I think anyone can learn to appear confident, security is somewhat harder to feel, but liking people and them liking you in turn is dead easy, provided you are comfortable with yourself first. (These shouldn't be taken as suggestions for anyone here in particular, 'cause we've never met - just basing it on my own experience.) Oh, and Octavia, you're only as old as you feel (interestingly, your photo puts me in the mood for a bedtime story) But back to the thread please... way cool.
BTW you whacked me pretty hard with that stick last time. I still have a lump on the back of my head PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I do believe that somebody needs a LONG vacation. The stress of constant engineering work has finally caught up to you All depends you frisky devil, on if I'm in the mood. Eg, if there is a woman in the room, I'll read whatever they WANT me to read Even ... a.... cookbook :doh: However, 10/10 points for actually saying what was on my mind PriusChat appears to be using that new self-censoring "nanny" software. Woman who read WHILE upside down are even hotter!
Upside down women are hot. Wait, did I say that out loud? :redface: Okay guys, join me in a cheer: "Smaller book, smaller book..." Tom
Smaller book smaller book smaller book smaller book smaller book Oh, wait a minute, just WHAT am I thinking NO BOOK NO BOOK NO BOOK!
Hey! Where is everyone? Just when this thread was getting interesting, everyone disappeared. I know what happened. There was a party at Otavia's and I wasn't invited. Tom
The only party here involves me, a porter, and a structural analysis due in tomorrows class. Le sigh.