The next photo shows the entry. If you could see the splash you might revise your score down a bit...perhaps to 0.975. Tom
Well, let's just agree to disagree. I have known enough divorced woman (NO I did not automatically sleep with all of them either!) to state that the bold guys cause FAR worse emotional trauma - more often than not physical trauma too - than a "spineless" guy who is actually very loving Just saying. I'm probably wrong. I once had a well-endowed woman get stuck .... um, ok, in hindsight probably not something I should discuss in a forum that children might read. We REALLY do need an opt-in Fred's House Of Sex. I agree. I knew a guy who was a boring accountant, but a VERY successful boring accountant. He actually took care of my business books for several years. His now ex-wife used to assist in his office I swear, the first time he went to use the copy machine, she MADE A PASS AT ME!! I mean, she did everything but hike up her dress. Yeah, he finally figured out something was going on. He even called ME to go out for coffee, and the conversation went like this Accountant: Jay, I think my wife is fooling around on me Jay: Duh, you THINK!? Except she didn't pick a biker. She picked ... wait for it, it's good ... she picked .... she picked A NIGHTCLUB BOUNCER I guess she enjoyed his "bouncing" style. Yes, the accountant had his poor little heart broken. Yes, she moved in with the bouncer. Yes it ended horribly for her. Yes she begged the accountant to take her back. At least here it ends well. He finally grew a pair, and refused her. Good for him! A hint to all the women out there: just cut out this vague hint-hint crap and next time you WANT something from one of us men, just SAY SO Here is an example Woman: Jay, are you busy after work? Jay: No, what's on your mind? Woman: I want us to go at it like chipmunks! Jay: Okey dokey, see you at 5! Uncanny. Why yes, it is STILL correct All depends on whether that "position" is on top or .... oh never mind I really didn't have to see you in Speedo's. My eyeballs exploded and sprayed gunk all over my expensive new high resolution computer monitor Yeah, I bet it does. But I'm not looking at it ... remember my eyeballs kerploded on me
Great photo, Tom! Yes, Octavia, confidence in a woman is as attractive to men as confidence in men is to women. No one looked twice at me when I huddled within myself, convinced that I was somehow too fat/ugly/imperfect to be part of something. Now, I'm practically beating them off with a stick... and I'm still fat, a bit older, and very, very imperfect The only real difference, is I found my confidence. :thumb:
I'm losing my touch. I spent the first minute trying to figure out what she was reading. The second minute I puzzled over the significance of the magazine being upside down. Eventually I realized that her wardrobe was the main issue. :doh: I *am* getting old. Tom
My ego has been deflated, thank you. I was trying to read a sports mag upside down. comedic effect and all that. Would have been more perfect had it been the swimsuit issue but I don't have that one. Talk about take a girl down a peg or two... Thanks for trying to fix it rae.