I am looking for this part number and/or a place that has it in stock. It is the black piece cicled in the crash pic that sits forward of the windshield wipers. I made a red circle to show the whole peice. I only need the part circled in green. I would only be needing the drivers side end cap. The clips for the old peice were broken off. Thanks.
Toyotapartscheap.com should have what your looking for. They have drawings of the parts. You will have to hunt through for what your looking for because I don't know what its called. If I had the time I would find it for you.
I believe that the Toyota OEM parts database that all the online sites use still does not include the 2010 Prius.
TTT Still cant find this part. It doesn't appear that I am doing damage by not having this part in place, it just looks ugly! Can anyone help? Found the part number. Its cheap. i just have to find it in stock somewhere. NOBODY has it!!! 5508447020
You sure that's the part number? It shows up as a ventilator part... Anyway, here's something that might help: Part Detail They seem to have decent prices on OEM Toyota parts. You can search by part number if you want to see what your part number shows up as... Andrew
I just got the part today. The part number is correct and the part name was a little criptic I guess.... It was better than my part name, "that little doodad on the cowl that connects on the drivers side."