After struggling with getting good gas mileage with my 2010, I finally decided to take my losses and get something else I will be happy with. The Prius wasn't a bad car but I bought it mostly for the 50+ mpg it is supposed to get and some of you have no problem getting. If you took away the 50mpg and made it a 34mpg car (which is what I was averaging) the Prius became nothing really special. Although it rides nice enough and handles well enough for my needs, its not super quick, super nimble and the rear view is pretty poor. Styling is ok, I didn't find it stunning nor ugly either. I wasn't about to go through all the lengths some have done to boost their mileage. I just want to drive any enjoy the ride. I guess the Prius never felt totally right. Without the great gas mileage, I just wasn't happy. I took the loss and am moving on. Thank you all for your tips along the way. Good luck to all with your cars!
This is almost a little sad for me, haha - I remember you started posting about your mileage problems when I did - and I got similar advice you did about gas mileage and how to bring it up. Mine got better (I average 50-55 mpg's highway even in a lot of traffic) so I hoped you would too! Sorry to see you go - hope you find something that suits you better!
Buying Prius just for MPG numbers is not a best idea, especially in EU. You pay for the technology which would not return back during the real car life. I bought mine, because I like the technology inside and the quite good millage is a nice premium.
Not sure why your FE was so poor, even in the dead of winter I was getting 40MPG with my 2004 Prius, and when I traded it in at the end of January for the 2010, I was then getting about 44MPG with it. Cold weather dramaticly affects the MPG, in the spring/summer, you would have found your mileage vastly improved I"m sure. Not sure what you would replace it with, that would even come close to those numbers, good luck.
Even though that didn't really play a major part in my decision, it is always on the back of my mind nowadays. While shopping I found a dealer that would not take ANY Toyota in trade. After reading in the news about the runaway Prius yesterday, I was afraid this dealer would change his mind as well.
For the last eight weeks with temperatures under 32, I haven't been able to keep the gas mileage above 35 mpg. With the temperatures getting up into the mid forties and low fifties I've seen my tank average jump 10 mpg in the last five days. This is the first time I've been over 40 mpg since December. I'm hoping to see 45 mpg plus with this tank. You should look at your gas mileage over the next two weeks or so with the temperatures jumping across the region before you pull the trigger on getting rid of a car that will easily pull 50 mpg in the spring-fall. BTW My trips have been under 3-4 miles each. Not the best conditions for gas mileage in a Prius.
It would've really helped if he/she actually answered questions posted to him/her at and tried a few things first so we could give proper tips or say "it's normal for those conditions" or no, that's too low. I'm confused by your struggle. How were you "struggling"? Why is the Prius "supposed to get" 50+ mpg? Explain your reasoning. It's one of the questions I ask at So, you're better off replacing it with something that gets worse mileage? It is the gas mileage king of cars currently sold in the US. If you want better mileage in car, buy a used 1st gen Insight w/manual transmission. Please see Energy Dept. still sees $3-plus gasoline coming - regarding gas pricces and Weekly All Countries Spot Price FOB Weighted by Estimated Export Volume (Dollars per Barrel) regarding oil price history (per barrel). Right oil is at $81/barrel per The Associated Press: Oil drifts near $81 amid mixed US inventory data in a crap economy. You're going to regret selling now your car once the economy recovers and gas and oil prices are much higher then. As for rear visibility, if you had issues w/blind spots, I suggest you set your mirrors as directed at I do that on all my cars now and had to start doing it when I got my 350Z which has huge blind spots in the rear corners.
Let em go. Gas this summer will probably approach $4 a gallon. Then they will be wishing they had the Prius again.
Same here, as I can get 32 - 34 mpg if I leave the car in PWR mode and with me literally flooring the car all over the place, and 'racing' it on the freeway (which is what I just happened to do the other day). When driving normally around town in PWR mode, I'll get around 42 - 46 mpg, still flooring it at times but also feathering the throttle as the response is good enough. If I drive to work or back home in LA rush hour commute, I'm getting anywhere from 52 - 64 mpg in stop & go traffic. All of this is just going off of what the computer is saying on the screen, so actual numbers may slightly vary but you get the idea. But it's your car, your decision and I'm not one to try and convince somebody who wants out or something and wants to get into something else.
Egale has the right idea. It sounds like he can afford to take the loss and the increase in efficiency was not enough on its own to justify the choice in his mind over a sportier or more luxurious car. Being happy is better than sticking around, being miserable, and complaining as I've seen some others do in these forums. So kudos to Egale for analyzing the situation, deciding what he found important, and then taking action without bitterness or parting insults.
let us know how the replacement vehicle does MPG-wise in the exact same conditions. also, keep us posted on what u like about the replacement car.
i think much of the concern many of us have for the op's post is that a. He started a "goodbye" thread, and b. Unless something is wrong with his particular prius, the environmental conditions leading to his crappy milage will affect any car he is likely to drive. That said I agree with the above post, looked at the situation, made a choice. good for you not know what you were looking for in publicizing the goodbye but, sincerely I wish you well!
Why??? While everyone on this board will give all the reasons why milage suffers in cold, wet, windy weather, they all still brag about how easy it is to get 50 mpg. It is the EPA average which is why I'm assuming he was expecting 50. I've never averaged less than the EPA (until my Prius). In my Camry Hybrid I easily exceeded it. As for replacing it, if it only got 34 mpg I wouldn't be in one either. You give up a lot in terms of automotive satisfaction (assuming you are not a techie or green) by driving a base Prius. I honestly can't see how anyone could get less than 40 mpg but I guess it happens depending on ones normal driving routes and habits. My wife runs the guts out of mine and gets 44. I can get 50 without baby'ing it, but I do have to drive the speed limit or less and play a little with it up hills and the sort. However it's become a habit for me since the TCH so I don't mind.
Good for you. I am trying to do the same but do not have the $5,000 I am now upside down in my 2006 due to the plumet in value.
It will only get worse - possibly a lot worse - before it all dies down and the market levels out again.