Any ideas on how to remove a small grease spot (1/8' diamater) from the center console? I'm not sure how it got there but it looks like black grease. I'm afraid to go at it with spot remover for fear of just dissolving it into cloth and making it bigger. I have been impressed with Dupont Carpet/Upholstery Cleaner that I found at the local auto supply place. I'm sure there are many other good products out there. I think blotting the stain with a towel rather than rubbing it is going to be the key to your success in removing the spot Bon Chance!
Never rub fabric. I would attack it by degrees. A Mr. Clean magic sponge would remove any excess, just press and twist. Twist/blot with a wet sponge then with a stain remover such as the one mentioned above. The how is about as important as what to use. When you get to the last stages of the stain, you might even try GooGone, but always twist, not rub. If you can get hold of some Picrin (dry cleaning fluid) put some on a white towel and place the dry towel over the stain. Beat the heck out of the wetted towel with a spotting brush and then do it again.
Thanks for the suggestions. As it turns out I got a call from the dealer today informing me that my plates were in so I had them take a look at it. 5 minutes later the grease spot was gone. I don't know what they used but there was no residue.
The high-tech fabric in '04 and '05 Prius usually cleans easily with warm water and a washcloth. For especially stubborn stains, use a tiny amount of detergent with the water. The manufacturer of the fabric recommends against using cleaning agents other than water and detergent.
dealers have some heavy-duty grease cleaners. my husband got a big grease stain on my center console cover and cleaned it up with brake cleaner and i never noticed until he told me... of course, some may be afraid to use these kind of heavy duty products on their prius. but not him... :lol: :roll:
Once you have removed the stain do not use a silicon based protectant i.e ScotchGuard. It attacked the plastic door trim on my 05.
Silicon is one of the most inert substances around so I'm surprised to hear of it causing damage. What kind of damage did it do to your door and how to you know it was the silicon? I know that Scotchguard was reformulated a few years ago because the old stuff was environmentally problematic. The old stuff was a flourocarbon, I'm not sure what the new stuff is. What makes you think Scotchguard is silicon?
The can is marked "Storm Guard" [My apologies to Scotchguard] Silicone Water Repellant. Aside from the reference to silicone and a non specific mention of petroleum distillates there are no indication of other ingedients. I assume the propellant has chemicals involved but I do not know what they are.I do know that someting in the concoction attacked the plastic trim on the doors and I would caution other owners to take care when tempted to apply any fabric protector.
Speaking of cleaning seats...I sat in some sap on the 4th of July and it's still on my seat. I tried to remove it with (yes, I know it was dumb) Goo-Gone...(The bottle said I could use it for upholstery)....Anyway, now I have sap marks with water stains around them with slightly looser fabric...Any suggestions? Flyingprius
Well, last night I filled the tank on my one month old Prius. As I dutifully recorded the details, I managed to swipe the ballpoint across the console....maybe a 2 inches long mark. I'm hesitant to use anything until I check 'with the epxerts'. I see this post on grease stains..... How about ink? TIA. Bill: 2005 Blue (OK - Seaside Pearl) Package 6
Some believe that the upholstery material is Alcantara®. Even if it is not, the Alcantara site has excellent care and cleaning instructions for micro fiber materials. Click on the Washing Alcantara Link (the link will not copy here).