Could recent recalls be a back door covert attempt to ban all hybrids?

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by Evilshin, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. Evilshin

    Evilshin Member

    Sep 17, 2007
    2005 Prius
    Recent issues with Toyotas and possibly other manufacturers in the future seem to be related to the electronic throttle system. The fact is currently most imports and many domestic vehicles use this technology. The reason: fuel efficiency. By interpreting what a driver wants, electronic throttle systems manage fuel use far more effectively than a person.

    Such electronics throttle systems have been in use for over two decades, their system have have been called into question, until now.

    On the other side of the equation, there is the hybrid. A menace to GM and Chrysler, since both companies have a business model where replacement parts fuel their business. Hybrids (atleast the way Toyota and Ford makes them) have the same problem that the EV1 had: few components that require replacement over time. It just does not work with GM's business model. Results: EV1 cancelled, Chevy Volt coming soon for the last 5 years, and crappy GM hybrids that are barely more fuel efficient than their non-hybrid counter parts.

    Now over time, the usual tactics have not worked:
    1) Spreading myths that service is uber expensive for hybrids.
    2) Spreading myths about battery issues.
    3) Spreading myths about performance issues.
    4) Producing sub-par hybrids to compete on price.
    5) Producing ads with deceptive claims in their favour.

    People are buying hybrids because they same them gas. That they can't spoof. Since people have been buying hybrids, attempting to ban them now would be futile.

    But what if there was a subsystem that is critical to the hybrid that they can ban? What if that subsystem can be made to appear unsafe?

    Unfortunately for the hybrid, that subsystem is the electronic throttle. A hybrid can not exist without it. A ban on their use, would mean ALL current hybrids can not be sold. Also many imports would require significant modification. If current vehicles are banned too, then many cars would have to be scrapped, including ALL hybrids.

    This type of ban would bankrupt Toyota and cripple Honda and sadly cripple Ford. But notice who out of the US manufacturers didn't ask for a bailout...

    One can speculate as to how one would make cars go out of control in a conspiracy. There are way too many possibility to cover here. A virus can be planted in the computers of these cars to act funny and then delete itself. You can co op conspirators to make cars go out of control. You can give an unwitting driver bad advice (like shifting a car into reverse to stop it LOL). The possibilities are endless..

    IF these latest recalls, the government investigation and the out of control Prius is part of a conspiracy, then it is likely a government investigation into the safety of electronic throttles will follow. It will not directly target at Toyota, instead it will look at all cars. Afterwards instead of the expected recommendation that electronic throttles be required to have over rides, they will instead recommend an all out ban on all electronic throttles. By then it will be too late and the Prius will go the way of the EV1.

    I hope it doesn't happen, but I fear.
  2. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    Actually, I think that Toyota wants to get out of the hybrid business. The recalls and especially the episode in San Diego where the CHP responded to a Prius experiencing sudden acceleration is setting the stage for Toyota to exit the hybrid business. Then they can focus on building cars again and let all of the other manufacturers who have jumped on the hybrid bandwagon get sucked into the cesspool of building hybrids that have all of these electronic problems. Do you know how much it costs to EMI harden a computer system?
  3. Evilshin

    Evilshin Member

    Sep 17, 2007
    2005 Prius
    Funny how the many Prii taxis in Vancouver aren't running out of control... it seems like an American problem... hmmm...

    If there is an inherent problem with electronic throttles in general, we should have seen this problem in the Prius, in 2005, with 2004 models. A software bug with such specific results, also very strange.

    I don't think Toyota wants to get out of making hybrids, it works for them. GM on the other hand would like us all to go back to good old auto transmission hell, where profits from replacement parts abound...
    1 person likes this.
  4. halfmoonray

    halfmoonray New Member

    Feb 25, 2010
    2010 Prius
    i like how you think evilshin
  5. ManualOnly

    ManualOnly New Member

    Aug 16, 2006
    Conspiracy theories over the SUA/Toyota in the US seems to be growing day by day.

    This sudden over-exposure/hype by US media seems to be turning Toyota into a victim. Based on recent Gallup survey, it may actually backfire when all these recent "accidents" gets explained away in terms of "Godly intervention" and in such close successive events.
  6. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    But ... but ... but ...

    Most of Toyota's current recalls and alleged problems are in NON-hybrids.
  7. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    I think you responded to the sarcastic comment. But you are right on about this having nothing to do with hybrids.
  8. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    It could be related to proximity to magnetic north. EMI is a strange beast. One minute it is there and the next it is not.... :confused:

    Or, perhaps something was changed in the manufacturing process. Here is a little bit of devil's advocacy to make the point: Lets say that the ECU/Throttle Control was packaged in a metal box for the years 2004 - 2008. Then some industrious bean counter realized that the metal boxes could be substituted for plastic ones for a unit cost savings of $5. At $5 x 500,000 production units, the bean counter earned his annual bonus as well as his bosses annual bonus (maybe even his bosses bosses annual bonus). If the same ECU/Throttle Control unit is used throughout the Toyota production, then the bean counter earned the bonuses all the way up the food chain to Toyoda-san himself. Heck, the bean counter probably was flown to Toyota City for a sit down inspirational tea ceremony with Toyoda-san before being presented as the annual profit-performance champion (or whatever they call their ceremony for cutting the most costs).

    There is where your reasoning is potentially faulty. You don't know what Toyota has learned from 3 generations of manufacturing hybrids. They could have run into the sudden acceleration issue in the 1st generation cars, tried once to solve it in the 2nd Gen cars and tried once more to solve it in the 3rd Gen cars. Finally, after three attempts, they said screw it; we are going to suck in the rest of the idiots that think hybrids are the way to go and let them burn through the cash that they can't afford to burn through. Ultimately, they will fail, and we will have an 80% market share for our efforts.

    That is definitely a long term outlook.
  9. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    I hope this post is an attempt at humor.

  10. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    With all this basicly unsupported speculation why don't you just cut open a chicken and read it's entrails?

    Speculation is fine to a point but you've created an entire work of pure fiction. Based, in my personal opinion, on a lot of faulty assumptions.
  11. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I'm actually afraid that it wasn't.
  12. Evilshin

    Evilshin Member

    Sep 17, 2007
    2005 Prius
    I suspect the public is just too sophisticated to allow a direct ban on hybrids. (Which is the thesis of my original post.) But I do believe that hybrids are ultimately the target.

    Banning electronic throttles will also ban hybrids in a roundabout fashion, since no hybrid can claim no electronic acceleration control. Thus such a ban will not be seen as a ban on hybrids, yet it will make them impossible to make street legal.

    While such a ban is likely to also harm most other Toyotas as well has many imports and domestic vehicles, it will favor the old school North American car makers, leveling the playing field for them.
  13. LRKingII

    LRKingII New Member

    May 31, 2009
    2010 Prius
    He cant help it. He's malorns cousin.:rolleyes:
  14. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    Other than the part about proximity to magnetic north, everything else in my post is plausible.

    However, the idea about reading chicken entrails is interesting. But cruel to the chicken. So I will pass.
  15. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    When Toyota releases all of the detail on their data logging function, I will state my true intent. Until then the posts speak for themselves. :eek:
  16. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    You think? I wonder how Toyota's sales are doing this week after the report out of San Diego? There is also a report from New York about another Prius that accelerated out of the owners driveway and smashed into a wall across the street. Nothing like a constant drumbeat of bad news to drive sales.
  17. Evilshin

    Evilshin Member

    Sep 17, 2007
    2005 Prius
    I have no idea what your intent is apriusfan... but then I am rather surprised by the fact that many people care... but it does seem rather off topic...

    On topic: the possibility of a conspiracy against hybrids disguised as a safety issue involving electronic throttles.

    Unfortunately I did not want to expound those implausible conspiracy theories that some people like so much. You know how 9/11 was a conspiracy, the US helped the terrorists, that I can buy... Then you have those who say the buildings can't collapse like that without a controlled detonation.. hmm... having more difficulty with that one. Then you get the wack jobs who claim that they weren't airplanes that hit the WTC but in fact were missile cloaked using alien holographic technology...

    And for some people a conspiracy theory isn't good until it gets implausible... me: not so much.

    I simply suggested that there is motivation by tradition North American car makers to want a ban on hybrids and that banning electronic throttles maybe a means to a end.

    Toyota wanting to pull out of the hybrid market is an implausible theory. Like the wack jobs that suggest 9/11 was done with alien cloaked missiles, Occam's razor applies. The simplest explanation is probably the correct one. Why do you need to have anything more complicated than a bunch of brainwashed young men bent on the WTC's destruction.

    So if Toyota wanted out of the hybrid market, why not just do what GM did with the EV1?

    On the other hand, when suspicious things like the is Socal runaway prius, the simplest explanation doesn't add up.

    Why would a guy not just shift into neutral? When the simplest explanation is a conspiracy, that's when you should be worried. Save the complicated ones for when you become a screen writer.. ;)
  18. Evilshin

    Evilshin Member

    Sep 17, 2007
    2005 Prius
    So you think this constant bombardment of bad news will actually increase sales?!?!?!?

    I'm glad you are not a publicist working for me! :eek:

    Anyways, that isn't what this thread's about. I was suggesting that it was a method for banning hybrids. Surely if that happens publicity good or bad would be significantly less meaningful.
  19. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    Have you ever been in a situation where you were panic-struck? Do you honestly think you would remember to do something you have never done before (but possibly read about in the owners manual 2 or more years ago)? I will give you a hint - there is a reason why police and military practice clearing a building over and over until it becomes ingrained in muscle memory. Ask paramedics who have responded to accidents where the vehicle is a total loss about the condition the victims were in if they were conscious.

    Don't judge someone unless you have walked in their path before them.
  20. cprashaant

    cprashaant New Member

    Mar 9, 2010
    2008 Prius
    Could it be a Sabotage using EMI?

    This is an interesting point. EMI hardening a computer system. The question really is when Toyota or its suppliers design and test there electronic throttle system, what is the environment condition they test it for. What is the spec on the level of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) that the electronic computer systems in a Prius can tolerate before they start to fail. If the spec is just barely above the FCC limits across frequency bands than its probably not enough as in rare occasions a car may experience higher EMI than the spec. For e.g. you could be driving close to an RF testing facility where the EMI is unnaturally (and illegally) high. Hopefully since lot of auto-makers are using electronic throttles, there must be an industry-wide consensus on this spec.

    Now it appears that this un-intended acceleration is happening in US far more than other countries. Hypothetically if someone has a source of EMI generator which could be used to trigger failure of electronic throttle system in a passing Prius, how would Toyota ever find this out? It would be extremely difficult unless somebody is caught in the act. This could be like the Malvo case we had a couple of years ago, but a lot subtle and well-planned.

    If this is indeed the case, can Toyota be blamed for this? It all depends on whether there is an industry consensus on what is the tolerable EMI level and if Toyota is meeting the spec. Also, if there is such a spec, there should also be test-results showing what happens when EMI goes well above the spec. And actually this should be part of NHSTA safety testing procedures since electronic throttle has been around for years now. So far I have not seen anybody talking about EMI and what happens to a Toyota Prius when its subjected to high EMI well above the spec? I bet the answer would be random failures one of which is un-intended acceleration.