Don't they have a dash cam in those cars? If so, it would be easy for the supervisor to review it and corroborate your story.
Now this is one case where a cop deserves to be called a pig, and spend the rest of his miserable life in prison. Stopping an ambulance with a patient in it because he thinks the driver flipped him off??? Shit! That is really disgusting! Thanks, Stev0. I'm no good at scrabble or boggle, either.
Find out where the cop works. Study his work schedule, take notes, pictures. Watch about 20 shows of forensic files then plan your hit.
He was suspended for 5 days without pay. Oklahoma Patrol: Trooper suspended for scuffle with paramedic – The CNN Wire - Blogs
He should have been fired and spent the next 73 years at hard labor, but at least they recognized that he acted improperly.
If the cop doesn't show up then tell the judge you want the charges dropped for "lack of prosecution" don't let him reschedule the proceedings. Tell him you're too busy or have already taken one day off, no pay, and that should be enough punishment. Good luck.
Well this potty mouth cop is really getting a bad rap here. Give him an F'n break! I mean ...he was probably taught the alphabet by his dad: Rhaaepeet afta me: F'n A F'n B F'n C F'n D...get da pickcha sonny boy?