Do they come in coordination with the voice guidance system ? I don't see anything about the seat eject button, though !
They need some new voice commands/responses for the voice activated phone/nav system: Car: "I noticed you have been going 90 miles per hour in a 55 zone for the past 5 minutes. Your accelerator isn't stuck is it?" You: "Heck no, this rules! Just don't tell the policeman." Car: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." <HAL light glows on dash> You, seeing cops in the rear view mirror: "BOGIES ON OUR SIX! THEY'VE GOT TONE! BREAK RIGHT!" Car: "Very funny. This isn't a flight simulator...despite the 400 page manual." Car: "Pull up. Pull up. Just kidding. I forgot we talked about this already "
I believe they were working on the seat ejector mechanism, but have not been able to resolve the premature ejectoration problem.