So far they appear to have just been detonators, without any explosives. Same thing as 7/7 - 3 subway explosions, 1 bus. Read the BBC for news on it. US news outlets don't have diddly for information yet: This appears to be just smoke and a small bomb enough to destroy the backpack only.
Yep, it appears to be terrorists saying, "Be afraid, because every 2 weeks you never know if we're going to blow you up or just try to scare you."
Can't wait for Blair to try to claim--again--that these attacks had nothing to do with British occupation forces in Iraq. :|
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Orsino\";p=\"109103)</div> :roll: :roll: :roll: If you believe these attacks are about Iraq, you are delusional! Are you actually trying to say that these attacks would have never happened if the Iraq War never took place???? How then do you explain . . . February 26, 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. October 12, 2000 USS Cole Bombing. October 12, 2002 Bali Bombing. . . . and the myriad of other foiled plots and terrorist attacks which are Pre Iraq War. Face the facts Orisno, YOU ARE AN INFIDEL, AND THEY WANT YOU DEAD. PERIOD! The only negotiation they wish to do is when and where you and the rest of the non-Islamic world will die.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy\";p=\"109505)</div> Actually, most reality based people believe this. There were 3 recent independent studies by GW's CIA, an Isreali study, and a Saudi Arabian study that all indicated that thanks to GW's war, more and more "middle class" Arabs are now joining the terrorist cause. And they are joining in droves. In fact, you cited 3 major events over 9 years. We are now seeing 3 major events every few weeks. Thanks to GW for making us safer.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy\";p=\"109505)</div> :roll: :roll: :roll: If you believe these attacks are about Iraq, you are delusional! Are you actually trying to say that these attacks would have never happened if the Iraq War never took place???? How then do you explain . . . February 26, 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. October 12, 2000 USS Cole Bombing. October 12, 2002 Bali Bombing. . . . and the myriad of other foiled plots and terrorist attacks which are Pre Iraq War. Face the facts Orisno, YOU ARE AN INFIDEL, AND THEY WANT YOU DEAD. PERIOD! The only negotiation they wish to do is when and where you and the rest of the non-Islamic world will die.[/b][/quote] Baloney. Your "facts" have nothing to do with Great Britain. Britain angers fundamentalist Muslims by participating in the Iraq occupation. When Britain witdraws, it will face fewer attacks. Or had you noticed a lot of such attacks before the Iraq invasion?
All wars have a bell curve of violence. Unfortunately, we are in the upswing of this war. That is why terror attacks are coming at an increased rate, not because of some current event. You are correct in that if GB (or any country that is a victim of terrorism) capitulates, the war would be over sooner than later. Unfortunately that end would come when all “infidels†are dead. That is their objective in waging this war. Using current events as a “reason†for any particular terrorist attack by an Islamic extremist is being very narrow sighted, and it just plays into their hand. So what did Egypt do to deserve the terror recent attack at Sharm el-Sheik? Egypt is an Islamic country, and not involved in fighting in Iraq. So what is the excuse for THIS bombing? Why was there a terror attack in Bali, Indonesia in 2002? Again, an Islamic country not involved in a perceived Holy War against Islam. So why Indonesia? What did Indonesia do? These attacks are attacks at Westerners in general. PERIOD! Tony Blair is correct. The attacks in London have nothing to do with Iraq. Trying to pin the attacks in London on involvement in Iraq is a prime example of the tactic of Divide an Conquer. The tactic: Beat-up a friend of your enemy. (You hate the friend anyway) Then tell the friend you beat-them-up only because they are a friend of your enemy . . . and you will continue to do so until they stop associating with your enemy. Divide and Conquer! A very good example of Divide and Conquer: The Cuban Missile Crisis. President Kenney telling Russia that any missile launched from Cuba at the USA would be considered an attack from Russia. That statement sent poo flowing into Nikita Khrushchev’s pants. Khrushchev could no longer trust Castro as a nuclear partner against the USA. Russia quickly removed the missiles. If Russia could trust Castro not to inappropriately launch the missiles, WHY REMOVE THEM? Why disarm your friend? - They were divided and conquered! Friends not trusting friends. Stop making excuses for terrorists.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy\";p=\"110306)</div> You're contradicting yourself. Egypt and Indonesia are not Western nations. Egypt is, however, a partner in the "coalition of the willing." You're also changing the subject. Or can you possibly believe that the terrorists want to waste their resources striking at infidels who aren't invading or supporting the opppression of their nations? Can you possibly think that a terrorist cell would pass up a chance to strike against a major partner in the "war on terr" in favor of bombing a cafe in, say, Switzerland? Why do you think they ignored Bern, a city full of infidels, in favor of multiple attacks in London--which has a greater concentration of Muslims? No, they'll strike against the interests of the nations they fear, or act to overthrow their own governments if they see a chance to set up a fundamentalist regime more to their liking. Even when they strike against Western civilians, they are hoping to influence governments. They aren't just insane haters who kill for fun; they are killers driven by political forces, too. As killers, they could efficiently murder individuals--drag someone into an alley and cut his throat. That they don't do a lot of this, that they concentrate their resources so as to cause the greatest terror, shows that they do manage to keep the mindless impulse to kill in check. Failing to understand that the terrorists have some legitimate gripes mixed in with all the murderous hate dooms us to an eternal cycle of retaliation.
Please work on your comprehension and fact checking Orsino. :roll: [Orsino’s posts in green] You're contradicting yourself. Egypt and Indonesia are not Western nations. I am not contradicting myself. I never said Egypt and Indonesia are Western nations. In fact my post clearly states that they are Islamic, which does not preclude them from being Western, i.e. Turkey, but in no way did I say they are Western. The attacks in Egypt and Indonesia were targeted against Westerners vacationing in those countries - with the goal of discouraging tourism and interaction between the Western world and Islamic people/countries. It also sends a message to that country’s leaders to stay away from Westerners. Egypt is, however, a partner in the "coalition of the willing." Says who??? Egypt is NOT, nor have they ever been, a member of the “coalition.†Orsino, are you a card carrying member of Al-Qaeda? They are the only ones who could believe THAT twisted statement. What is your logic? . . . “If you aren’t with Al-Qaeda, you are an infidel and therefor a member of the coalition of the willing?†PA-leeeeze! Educate yourself . . . Look it up here. As killers, they could efficiently murder individuals . . . That they don't do a lot of this . . . shows that they do manage to keep the mindless impulse to kill in check. So, since they kill in large scale attacks, that somehow shows they keep their mindless impulse in check??? NO! It shows that they are smart enough to understand that this is an asymmetrical war. One on one, they loose! Killing a individual does nothing more than kill that individual. No major world news headlines in that. Cars crash and people die. It happens hundreds of times a day in the USA. Does it make national news every day? NO. One small airplane crashes and one or two are killed . . . It’s headline news! Al-Queda knows this. Sensationalism plays into their cause and rallies other like-minded nut-cases. Yes, they could kill more individually, but it does nothing for their cause. . . . terrorists have some legitimate gripes . . . Terrorist have NO gripes which could possibly legitimize their acts. Just by writing such a statement shows your bent!! Anyone who negotiates with a terrorist is doomed to be terrorized forever. If Al-Queda and their ilk can not peacefully negotiate their differences with the rest of the world without resorting to sensationalized acts of violence . . . screw them! . . . can you possibly believe that the terrorists want to waste their resources striking at infidels who aren't invading or supporting the opppression of their nations? Al-Queda thinks globally and acts locally. I don’t expect a terror cell from Bali to attack in the USA or Bern, Switzerland. That would be a waste. Besides, Switzerland is not yet a legitimate Al-Queda target. Save those passivists infidels for last. Ticking off a neutral country is not a winning strategy out of the Divide and Conquer play book.
This thread made me think of the biggest divider in recent history. GW. After 9/11, the entire world was on board in the war on terror and the support to go into Afghanistan was widespread. Now we have a joke of a "coalition of the willing" with the actual war on terror languishing while Bush finishes his sideshow in Iraq. And Arabs and Muslims all over the world clamoring to join the terrorists. Thank you GW for making us phenomenally less safe. The chance of a mushroom cloud over an American city is 100 times higher now than 2 years ago. And this is increasingly the view of most Americans.
Yikes..Orsismo...Yikes..You want us to do a "Chamberlin" to all this?? From just glancing at these here, seems like you don't think these EXTREMIST just want to kill the west and run the world? You think once they get what they want the're just going to quit there ? Algeria never was a coolition of the willing, and they the terrorists just murdered 2 diplomats, Algeria did something they did not like. What if your country gets hit ???? You think if you give in they'll leave you alone ?? Nope, they get there too...this is war I am sufferin...!!! Unbelievable..please stay in Canada.
Can you believe, the guy they caught in Italy, that was responsible says that they were not trying to hurt anyone but just scare them.
Tadashi: no wonder, that whole situation goes back to the fact that arabs will say and do anything, and justify it from their religious stand points. The Arabs refuse to assimilate when they GO live in another country, and become its citizens. Nothing surprises me anymore when these people speak.
A young boy falls asleep in school and falls off his desk. The other kids laugh at him. He then stands-up and while rubbing the knot on his head proclaims, “I meant to do that, it was a joke.†It just goes to show that we are not dealing with the most sophisticated element. It makes no sense to “try to scare†us, yet leave behind massive volumes of evidence which leads to scores of arrests. Detonating a second round of bombs would have scared Londoners much more than this blunder. Does he actually think we believe him? That he and his cohorts would go to all the effort to construct bombs, then in a synchronized fashion bring the bombs to their intended targets, then yell “BANG!!!†What, is this the new, "we are not really THAT heinous," softer side of Al-Quida? .
What's even more remarkable is England hasn't announced that they plan to invade a country that had nothing to do with the bombings. Don't they get it?
IALTMANN, that may be true, but couldn't you use the same argument about Bush and his version of "Christianity". Bush went to war, which has led to the death of possibly hundreds of thousands of people and has caused agony and distress for even more people. Bush said that he consulted a "higher father" before going to war. I take this to believe that Bush thinks God would have approved of a war that resulted in so much death and misery. Where in the Bible is war or genocide condoned? To me, Bush says and does some pretty atrocious deeds and justifies it with his religious standpoint.
Indeed they do have something to do with the removal of Saddam, the Al Quada ally. They have something to do with the removal of the Taliban, the Al Quada ally. They have something to do with the Crusades, which the Al Quada members still harbor anger for. They have something to do with England being full of non-Muslims, which really grates on the Al Quada members. Your drawing breath is an offense to them. Either support the effort to defend ourselves from these savages or just join up with them. Don't carp about those who do the lifting in defense of your liberty, and that includes our allies leaders making daft statements. Blair has stood by us, and frankly Great Britian is about the only other nation on the planet with military power projection capabilities now. Canada is a "friend", but is incapacitated from rendering much assistance due to the demolition of its military capacity from one liberal government after another gutting its national soverienty.