I just traded my 05 with 165K for a new Prius IV with Solar pkg. Wasn't planning on it, but the deals were too good to pass up. Since I really wasn't in the market, I haven't been spending much time on the Gen III forum. Those of you who went from Gen II to Gen III, what's been the best thing about your Gen III, what if anything should I be concerned about? Thanks.
Congrats to your new Prius. I never had Gen 2 so can't really comment. But I think I am having a LOVE/HATE relationship with my car at the moment.
Ya,Did the same thing in December but traded an '09 with 25K think I did ok, Got A PKG V,I like it better than my GENII!! 165k Wow Thats 33K per year You rack up the miles!! The 2010 gets better gas mileage!! Enjoy your new car, Scott
Best? Interior space and power -- use that Power button well and your mph will still beat a Gen II! Concerned about? I moved from a 2004. If you find anything to be concerned about in a 2007, I'd be surprised.