Prius Refused Gasoline

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by andyprius, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. jdfoster

    jdfoster New Member

    May 21, 2005
    Gillette Wyoming
    I have had this problem with our 2005 from day one. I have used every trick posted here. Nothing has helped. When I do get mine to fill it wants to spit fuel out. Sorry I cant help you Jim
  2. ryogajyc

    ryogajyc Active Member

    Aug 30, 2004
    Reseda, CA
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sid\";p=\"110149)</div>
    Here's a follow-up question:
    Would it be possible for that bladder to rupture due to overfilling?[/b][/quote]
    No, there is still a regular metal gas tank around the bladder.
  3. tmorrowus

    tmorrowus Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    I had this happen once. I just continued driving and filled normally a bit later. I've never heard of anyone having this happen when the tank was really low on gas.

    It seems to me that the things people do trying to work around issues with the prius gas tank only cause more problems, for the environment and for us.

    Leaving the nozzle out so the accordian vapor recovery doesn't make a good seal is a bad idea. The vapor recovery system is actually sucking air away from the tank, which is exactly what you want. If the pump system is broken, just move on to another working one.

    Overfilling the tank by "topping off" raises the possibility of spilling gas, which is horrible for the environment. Because the Prius (and most modern cars) use catalytic converters to burn gas very cleanly, it's much better for the environment for the gas to run through the car than to just evaporate into the air.

    My workaround for all gas tank issues is that I simply fill up when the gauge shows half a tank left. I never top up. Yes, I might end up filling up more than necessary, but I gain the security of knowing that I'll never run out of gas and if god forbid there were a disaster that shut down gas stations I'd be able to drive a few hundred miles.
  4. longjohn931

    longjohn931 New Member

    May 8, 2005
    Orlando, FL.
    2010 Prius
    I have had this problem and I find moving the nozzel around a bit, while filling, usually works.
    I believe the problem is the tight fit caused by the rubber washer or bladder opening you can see at the top of the gas tube, and back pressure caused by the expanding bladder during fillup. This back pressure triggers the auto cutoff of the pump. In the 70's, when they went to unleaded gas and catalytic converters, they reduced the size of the gas nozzel so you couldn't inadvertently put leaded regular gas into your tank and ruin the catalytic converters. Although the hole is smaller, their is no rubber seal on other vehicles tanks or expanding bladders, for that matter, so vapors under pressure come back up the pipe and either escape into the atmosphere or are captured by the accordion boot, in states that require those aparatus. As a gas pump nozzel ages, it becomes worn from the constant in and out scaping, in non Prius tanks, so my theory goes, the older the nozzel the better chance you have of it not clicking off due to vapor back pressure as the seal is not as good. Or the older your Prius, the seal at the opening becomes worn and the vapor back pressure escapes around it.
    Does this make any sense?
  5. Sid

    Sid New Member

    May 6, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ryogajyc\";p=\"110163)</div>
    Thanks again!
    It seems like it would also help prevent fuel leakage in a serious accident, and even non-hybrid cars could benefit from it as well.
    Yes, the Prius is a very well engineered car :)