All, Had another go at it today - much better result (including satnav directions). Enjoy! The camera was mounted on the dash using a 'bespoke' arrangement of available objects, and gaffa tape. Worked very well considering how quickly it was lashed up, not too much vibration etc and easy to remove afterwards, without marks. Put the cam in manual focus around 1.5 metre (not at infinity as I had thought it might be?) and off we go...... The slight "double vision" effect on the HUD display is probably 'cos I had to position it exceptionally high to get it to show in the cams low angle field of view - to the eye, when in use, the HUD presents a sharp image. In the video the HUD appears higher up in the windscreen (and larger) than it does to the driver "for real". I have to say the HUD is a well cool feature - and how strange, that you cannot have it in the U.S. Is it some safety law...? Thanks for the interest in these vids! Alan
That's not real gaff tape, it's black-colored duct tape. Real gaff tape has a matte cloth finish on the back, and friendlier adhesive. . Nice countryside. Maybe the HUD only works on RHD?? I guess we yanks all drive on the wrong side of the road, and are thus unsophisticated, undeserving brutes. . _H*
Nice! Thanks for taking the video! Ok so the arrows fill up at the junction. I noticed you don't have the two chimes when you reach the junction. On our NA Prius, it'll give instructions in this order In 400 metres, right turn Next Right <two chimes> After hearing your nav lady, I think I prefer mine . Her voice is a little softer which is odd because on my TomTom, I chose the British nav lady because her voice was softer and gentler. The advantages are clear (no pun intended). This is a way around having two things from the MID shown at once. (e.g. HSI + Energy Monitor or HSI + Cons.) and of course the navigation instructions (which means you can have the nav lady off if you have sleeping children)