So there has been a lot of discussion but nothing exactly about this... I have an Prius II that has the Bluetooth added... It works fine for calls coming in... the answering button is on the dash.. no worries with that so far... But playing music via Bluetooth sounds TERRIBLE compared to playing it out the jack into the AUX connection in the middle console... But even when I have the iPhone plugged into the AUX jack it defaults to playing the music over bluetooth. My question is whether is this: I want to plug my iPhone into the cable and Aux jack.. have the MUSIC play through that but have the Bluetooth for any phone calls that come in... Is it possible to have a connection to the "phone" bluetooth but not to the multimedia one... I sure haven't found it yet! I have an iPod that I am just planning on leaving in there connected to the AUX but I am a musician by profession and the music on my iPhone changes often to keep up with rehearsal recordings, recording of things I have to learn etc. So I am hoping that I can get my iPhone working in this car a little better.. Hope my question was clear...
As the Bluetooth protocols employed are completely separate, yes. You can use the AUX for music and the phone calls will still be routed through the Bluetooth phone
yup... that is what it seems like to me but I cant get one to sync and one not to... trying some more today
I'm not sure what bluetooth you are using, but often you can disable blue tooth audio and just use it for the phone. I changed out the head unit instead of trying to install blue tooth, ipod, etc. The price is not all that bad if you can't get it to work. I have a pioneer system, and use the blue tooth music for pandora, but have the ipod interface for most music. If I start playing music on my phone it will switch over, but its easy to switch it back, aind the auto interface is quite intuitive. I'm a fellow musician, but now amateur (I make about $1000 per year at gigs over the costs and lots of beer). Good luck
well I got it to work today... had the Blutooth for the car reset and then reconnected the phone... not sure why it worked this time but I am completely stoked with the setup now.... music sounds good through the AUX input and the bluetooth for the phone is interfacing great with the car...
I highly recommend TuneLink Auto. Since there is a 12V plug in the center console along with your AUX in jack, you can just leave TuneLink in there. When you start your car, TuneLink automatically connects and has the option for Auto-play. This feature has me completely spoiled. I can't post a link, but google "TuneLink Auto" and check out
I love my Bluetooth for phone and AUX music for iPhone 4. Connectivity has been bulletproof so far. No dropouts.