I have noticed with the warmer drier weather MPG has increased. A recent trip of about 180 miles gave a indicated 53.5 MPG for a true 50 MPG. Before I could barely break 50 MPG indiated for about a 47 MPG true for a trip of that size. alfon
Well done on the better mpg ! You are quite right, there is a relationship between ambient temperature and how good an MPG you achieve. Basically cold = bad, hot = good ! Thats for 2 reasons (a) the engine parts/lubricants all have less heating up to do before reaching their stable operating temp. (b) the air you travel through actually gets more dense ("thicker") at low temperatures, so it takes more energy to push you through it. As I saw on someones sig here@ "A warm Prius is a happy Prius" regards 'Lex'
Same here - mine went from 45mpg to 50mpg when the temp went from the 20's & 30's to the 40's. I hope when the temp gets in the 70's & 80's I will see 60 + mpg
I agree with the above comments. In January ... I was a bit discouraged, and made a special effort to prove to myself that the good mileage would return come warmer weather. I filled the tank, drove for several hours (unrecalled distance) over various speeds, then filled the tank again. The mileage was very nearly identical to the Summer numbers. Here in Utah, it is still chilly, but already I can see the mpg numbers improving over those registered in mid January and February. My previous car was an Acura RSX and it did exactly the same thing. I suspect the Winter blend of gasoline is also a factor.
you bet. I have stayed in the 50+ mpg, for the last two days, where it has been above 32 degrees here. I am really excited to see a 50+ mpg on my dash. I have even been able to get it up to 56 MPG for a short period. Cantwait until it is warm on a regular basis.
I've noticed it too. I'm coming up on my third tank and the mpg is getting higher each tank. Maybe it's breaking in, but mostly it's the warmer temps. And I'm on PWR mode exclusively.
There is a direct correlation between temp and mileage. After a couple winters, someone looked at my mileage log and said, "those rises and falls follow the seasons; you should overlay average temperature." So I did. The results were pretty amazing. Click the "Current Mileage" link in my signature.
I was interested in the MPG summer vs. winter as well. Then noticed the car continued to run the engine even when I was stopped - suspect it's the 50 degrees difference between outside and the heater keeping the car at 73 degrees. Now that it's a 30 degree difference the car no longer runs when I am stopped. I guess we simply sacrifice the lower MPG for being comfortable and the heat has to come from somewhere. Cheers!
This is a very important point and I'm glad you made it. Sometimes when people complain that they are not achieving the mileage as advertised, we come to find out that they have the heater set at 75˚ or the A/C at "MAX COLD" or that they refuse to even try any of the common-sense driving techniques. Yeah, without a doubt there is some give and take; it's up to the driver to decide what they want more. Personally, people have asked me how I get mileage and say that they will try anything. Really? Personally, I use the heater when the temps are below about 28˚f and set it to a cabin temp of 65˚ which is the lowest setting (side note: I've noticed that if the fan is set any higher than speed 2 the ICE will run more). I use the A/C when temps top 100˚ and keep it set at the highest setting. In the winter I block the grills and now I have an engine block heater that gets plugged in every night. Last year I decided to just not care as much just to see what kind of mileage I would get. After that first "bad" tank, I changed my mind and went back to doing what I could to keep the mileage up. For me, at this point, it's about the mileage just to see what I can get regardless of the situation. For the record, when I have passengers, their comfort always ranks higher than mileage.
Wait til they stop using the "winter blend" at the gas stations. My last tank before the temperature went below 50 and they were still using regular gas was something like 56mpg with the stock tire pressure. This car definitely does better than the Gen II when it comes to mileage. It's not really a huge difference, but the fact that there is an increase in both mileage and power is very cool.
I just read a couple of days ago they are getting ready to switch over to summer blends and apparently it cost more to make(refine) it, so they can blame the increase on the changing over to Summer blends. I don't know how much more it costs, but I'm sure they will pass it on to all of us..Between the warmer weather and change in blends I am sure we will see some significant improvements in mpg. This current tank on my computer (345 miles) is at 54.3. That is 3 better than the last tank average.
Yep. When you notice the engine running, try turning the HVAC system totally off. If the engine is warmed up enough, it will stop. The 2nd gen has the behavior where the engine will kick on/stay on to provide cabin heat if FWT (Fahrenheit Water Temperature) is <=145 F. I asked about the behavior of the 3rd gen at http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...6472-3rd-gen-vs-2nd-gen-questions-thread.html but don't totally grok some of the responses....
This is one of the first mornings in a very long time in which the temp was above freezing overnight. This week is a mixed blessing: warmer temps (yah!) with rain (boo!).
With these warmer temps (0C, 32F) I am back into the very encouraging 3.6 L/100km (65 MPG US) zone on my Gen 3 Prius. But, as I also stare into the pile of summer tires stacked in my basement, I realize we still have some ways to go in terms of ambient temps before we get back into the regular 2.8-3.2 L/100km regime. Cheers; MSantos
How the heck are you getting 3.6L/100km? My last tank was 5.1L/100km displayed (42mpg actual vs 46mpg). Most of my trips are under 20km one way and I drive at -2/+8km posted speed limit most of the time.
Not that hard actually: - Diligent and strategic use of block heater. - Front grill fully blocked - Eco Mode always on and RPM never above 1300 RPM - Operate the car in IGN 13-16 as much as possible instead of getting into the guzzle-vs-EV Yo-Yo mode. Unless used strategically, EV is not your friend. - Always, always, always drive below the posted speed limit especially during the winter since the PSL applies only for ideal conditions. - Tires at 60+ PSI (Winter tires Michelin X-Ice) - Daily commutes of 16 km each way. - Avoid rush hour as stop and go drive is hardly ideal - even for a Prius. - Soft Glide or Neutral Glide whenever possible. - Use the defogger and heater strategically and minimize 12V loads as much as possible. - Use fuel with the highest BTU possible. Shell is my favorite. Cheers; MSantos