Are many people still being bothered by this issue. I have been reading a number of complaints by people who seem to have rattles in their new Prius's. Have never experienced rattles in my Gen 2 Prius.
I guess some people have rattles. I don't. Or at least I haven't noticed it. If I do, I suppose I will turn up the radio.
I get minor dash rattles in my Gen2, also when the driver's window is partly open, it rattles. I've driven 3 Gen3 rentals, no rattles.
I test drove a Gen3 yesterday for about 30 minutes, highway and secondard roads it had 17 miles on the ODO. Highway seemed ok. Rougher road a muffled rattle was coming from the area of the sunroof. Alos noticed knocking sounds coming from the area of the rear deck. My Gen2 is rattle free except when I lower the drivers window a little.
My Prius is 4 months and someI rattles are coming from the front right when I drive on rougher roads or when the weather is cold (closer 0°C or under). ________________ Friendly, Guy
Our 2010 is two months old and my biggest complaint about the car are the rattles. It rattles a lot more when cold but I can still hear rattles even when it warms up (cabin temperature and when colder outside). Our Generation II Prius did not have near the amount of rattles the new car does. I am going to try to find them and address the ones I can when the outside weather gets better. I will also complain about this when I bring it in for its 5,000 mile/six month maint. I love the car and other then this issue, have no complaints. The brake "issue" was really a non-issue for us and since SSC-A0B, the pause is even less then it was (more similar to the 2005 Prius).
Sooner or later all cars will develop a rattle or two, but I have to say that my Gen 3 developed quite a few more in a shorter period of time than any of my Gen 2's did. This added noise started more or less when winter finally arrived and the temps dipped a fair bit, and while I expect this to happen, I certainly did not expect it to be this severe. Anyway, not a big issue. I am going to pull apart almost every piece of interior trim and I am going to quiet the car as soon as the ambient temps warm-up a bit. besides, I have a fair bit of acoustic mat (3mm thick) leftover from previous efforts and this will be a "just-right" fit. It will be one of my projects for the summer. Cheers; MSantos
I'm hearing dashboard rattles in ours....unless the road is smooth as glass, then no noise. But there aren't many roads like that in the world! The rattle noises are annoying, I have to say. And disappointing too. Ah well... Not sure I want the dealer to rip the whole dash apart trying to find the source. I'm curious if anyone here has taken their Prius into the dealer for dashboard noises, and what was the outcome? Thanks, Eric
Mine rattles, with the majority seemingly from the console area, some from the glove box and undeterminable areas under the dash. (Pressure on the console box relieves it a bit). As others have indicated, it is temperature sensitive. Granted, rattles aren't the worst thing in the world, but this rattled new more than my 7-yr old RSX did w/ 120K on the clock. (And that car had a very stiff suspension, and was driven a lot on the cr@ppy roads of Baltimore City). Should I suddenly have lots of time on my hands, I'll try using some felt to dampen it in a few areas.
The rattling go so bad I looked for other cars so swap last week, but !!!! I went for a DAB Raido install and took the opportunity to put A LOT OF FOAM in all the trims from the central console to the side colums and the glove compartments and now I am rattling free!! I am happy again and love my Prius once more.
My Gen2 and my old Toyota pickup were both rattle free so I was surprised at the number of rattles I have had in my Gen3. I don't mind a rattle once and a while and on rough roads I expect it, but this car has been a real trial as far as rattles go. But the good news is most of them can be found and fixed. I have been working on rattles on off for about 6 months now and I have found and fixed 4 or 5 or the worst ones. If I don't develop any new ones it's almost acceptable now. If you have rattles you can't find I suggest doing a search for the rattle threads and reading all of them, chances are you will find "your rattle" along with a fix.
I had my wallet out ready to buy one of these darn cars until I read about the rattle issue -- many posts on 10 threads. Ahhhhhhhhh! I hate hate hate rattles. Question: Has anybody bought a 2010 Prius after say Feb 15 that has rattles? (I'm hoping maybe Toyota has started to fix them internally.) dt in cincinnati
Don't worry, Congress is looking into this. They will have some hearings on it soon and fix the problem right away. Yes, we can!
I think there is a long thread in the maintenance forum: My car has about 6500 miles and it has a major console rattle that was not obvious when we first bought the car. It seems to be getting worse with time. It something you don't expect in a new car and definitely, not a Toyota. For me, it is a big disappointment and it has changed my opinion of Toyota. We have had Toyota's for years, but something must of changed in their engineering or quality organizations. Our '98 4-runner has fewer rattles than our 2010 Prius (even our '87 Camry was quieter).
FYI - there is a thread on here where someone took a poll on the rattle issue. There were just as many that did not have rattles as those that did. I have no idea what the difference may be. I have had my 2010 since August, 2009 and have not had a rattle, even going through the winter with temps as low as the high teens F. There are many others on here that have reported no rattles. I would hate to see you pass up on a 2010 Prius just because some owners have had the rattle issues.
No. The Rattles are majority 69%. Please see link and please get your facts straight.
Forgot to add. That is some really rubbish advice. IF the guy HATES rattles you are telling him to take a chance that the car might not rattle and spend over 25grand for that bet? Come on thats not on. I wish someone had told me about all the problems of the Prius 3 before and I wouldn't have bought the car!!!! Oh my brake they are still squeaking since day one! how many new cars you know have squeaking noises?
Hmm, what happened between now and your post #12 from yesterday? "I am happy again and love my Prius once more." Love / Hate...