I have a Gen III Prius and I have been thinking about dropping it an inch. Has anyone else lowered their car and if so what springs did you use?
Seriously are you kidding? You have to be insane to lower the car that is already too low already. Its not a sports car why would you want to lower your car? The car needs to be lifted instead lowered.
I just sit my fat a$$ in the car. I figure eventually the LF will sag an inch Buy an SUV if you want the car to be higher. Better yet, learn how to drive at an angle and how to do approaches.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Five Axis Prius lowered with Tein H-Techs? That's the closest thing to factory ordained lowering I've seen done on a Prius so I'd probably go with them. I had Tein H-Techs on my Scion tC that I owned a few years ago and they worked out beautifully, gave it the "not too low but still sick and bad-nice person" look
Thanks for the posts. I wanted to lower the car because I think lower cars look and handle better. I own a couple of sports cars so I understand that the Prius is not meant to be one. I just wanted to alter the look slightly and do something different.
Actually a few of us here have lowered our prii(sp?) and if I'm not mistaken, most of us have used Tanabe springs (search for prius and df210 or nf210). For me, the NF210 is a classy way to go, especially if you're planning on up sizing your wheels (like 18's). The NF210 is more akin to the elegant look of a Mercedes/Lexus whereas the DF210 is a sport looking tuner style drop. I dig em both, but the nf's are a better compromise for me. Coilovers are another good option, and I'll be running Tanabe coilovers very soon. They allow you to adjust the drop without abnormally stressing the shocks (as is the case with changing springs alone). I'll be documenting the process for my car on priuschat, if you're interested.
Just as a tip, you might want to change the shocks when you replace the springs. If you don't do it, chances are that you will blow out your original shocks since they are not valved for harder and stiffer springs.
don't own one yet but looking into it real soon. and was wondering if there other options for coilovers? also i just wanted to verify is the 5Axis Prius on H-tech springs? i seen some tein one's but only have an option for Super Street and Flex Coilover set ups. thanks in advance for any more options.
I think right now there are only springs. I'd rather lower a car any day over a bodykit as someone had suggested before. If you've never owned a bodykit (I haven't either but my friends have) make sure you had a piggybank to keep repainting the front end every time it gets f***ed up driving it. The only nice pristine bodykits are the ones never driven, the fiberglass gets damaged too easily.
My 2010 Prius is so low that there is no curb in my town that I can park up to without scraping. Even the gentlest rise is an issue. Also, I already have entrances/ exits from local roads onto commercial parking lots where the angle is too high. Also any lower and the front end would disappear into a pot hole.
Personally I think Toyota Designed the Prius to ride great, and at just the right height. Besides the usual Spring Pothole season will be bad enough at a normal ride height, no sense in making it worse. Then there's the 'Can't See the Roadkill at Night' problem so you scrape up all the possum's, racoons, and Deer parts with your front fascia, like the scrapper they use to clean the Grill at your local diner. YUK ! Oh, and don't forget the occasional Skunk, we all know how you'll love cleaning his remains off that new lower fascia. Too bad they don't have reflectors so you could avoid them at night.
A lowered car in any car seems to make it look better. Just like adding window tint. Both modifications seems to help the overall visual look. If the guy above lowered his car so much that it hits every nook and cranny he probably has the worst drive quality ever and is probably trashing the CV joints in the process. When I dropped my Camry over 5", the car was basically like a go-kart b/c the suspension was so stiff. It has to be so you don't absolutely trash the car. Plus the ride quality was extremely harsh and the CV joints were rotating well beyond any OEM normal ranges. A slammed car looks great, but not for a daily driver unless you have air bags. That's about it.
I've lowered my prius and it looks great My set up is made by Megan street 2 adjustable lowered 2.5 inches (I believe) and avid av50 17x8 +35 and TRD rear sway bar, so far I love the looks and you feel more secure to the ground when your lowered. Hope you like it!