Hmm, after much reading on here. I'm not installing the update. I might later if I see some more positive and conclusive evidence that it is for the better. In the meantime, I think it has made me a much safer driver, because I avoid the hazards and know how my car behaves on them. I haven't experienced the problem by accident since I realized there was a problem. I do like that it is pleasing many people though. People need to feel comfortable about the car they drive.
I talked to Toyota corporate, whose technician said that the loss of braking sensation is lessen but not eliminated. I called because I have felt this sensation twice today after the ECU updated. I must admit that the loss of braking seemed to be a shorter period but it could be that, the pot hole i hit was smaller.
AP news reports that many are complaining that issue has not been resolved. i guess the rage rolls on
First time I experienced the braking issue I thought it should be fixed, and the sooner the better. After experiencing it a couple of more times and realizing what was going on with the system I realized it was not a safety issue for me. As stated above I can avoid the issue by being careful and it hasn't reoccurred for 7 or 8 thousand miles, if it does reoccur it's easy to deal with. I'm the only one who drives my car so it's not going to scare anyone else and I like the way the brakes feel as is. I'm not going to have it done at this time, and probably not as long as I own the vehicle. I will have it done before I sell the car however. I ask the service manager at my dealer yesterday if a voluntary safety recall was something he was required to perform if I brought the car in for something else. He assured me that he would not do the brake ECU reflash unless I specifically requested it.
Does anyone know if Toyota is addressing the instances where the Prius brake fix (apparently/possibly) did not work? ie, before NHTSA or the Press gets hold of it. As they have with the acceleration issue.
ECU Update Recall - Minor Issue After the ECU Update my bluetooth phone connection (iPhone) was corrupted and the phone had to be deleted and reinstalled on the setup screens. The update also deleted my "Contact" list which had to be reinstalled too. No big deal but wanted you to be aware of it.
It did not work for me and I think Toyota is BS-ing the public to save their nice person. They all should be put in jail.
Could you provide specific location(s) where this happened? Speed at the time? Weather conditions? How frequently have you seen this after the update? The reason I ask is there may be another, previously undiagnosed failure hinding behind the 'brake pause' problem that SSC-A0B fixes. It is not uncommon to find more than one intermittent problem with similar but not identical symptoms. Thanks, Bob Wilson
I had the ABS problem before the update, and I am having the EXACT SAME PROBLEM after the update. This is total BULL**IT, to say the least. To add insult to injury, Toyota didn't even pay for my $45 rental car while they kept my 2010 Prius in their shop for an entire day. And now I am 100% completely convinced that they didn't even do ANYTHING while my 2010 Prius was in their shop at all... the whole thing was just smoke & mirrors to PRETEND like something was going on. I will absolutely not purchase from Toyota again in the future... they are not a company that can be trusted.
Thanks, that's a good idea... I think the vehicle has to go into the shop for the same problem 3 or 4 times within a year for the lemon law to take effect... I'll have to look into this.
I am sitting in the Dealership Service Department getting breaks reprogramed as I am typing this on my Iphone. Will be awhile till I will know. Guess if it doesn't happen after several bumpy road stops till I can really say. Yes I have experienced this several times before I never thought it was a problem, just press harder on the breaks, it really happens on bumpy roads when doing regenerative (soft) breaking. But I imagine it can be an alarming feeling to some drivers. Toyota is fixing it for free so it is no big deal for me. Well all done already in about the time it took to read several Prius Chat posts and one reply. 45 minutes. I'll keep everyone posted on how the car drives.
Hi Bob, Respectfully, if you think that manhole cover is bad, you should come to Jersey and drive over some of the roads on my daily commute!
Well, I went in to the dealership today for them to take another look at it. When the service manager called me a couple of days ago to schedule the appointment, he tried to tell me again that my Prius did not need the update and he would show me when I brought my car in. After a little over an hour after arriving at the dealership, I was called in to talk with the Service Manager. He was looking pretty humble. He said that my Prius did indeed need the update and that they were loading it at that moment. He took me back to the car and showed me them doing the update. He still could not explain why the first time I was in, their laptop that does the updates said that mine did not need it. He said it was a good thing that I pursued my concerns when the update had not been done the first time. It is a bit concerning that it was possible for a dealership to think a Prius that needed the brake update did not need it. Driving home, the brake feel was noticeably different. I like the new brake feel much better. So, the moral of this story is: If your dealership tells you that your 2010 Prius does not need the update and your Prius was manufactured in 2009, you need to push the issue with the dealer. If they do not budge, call Toyota Corporate.
I had the update done on my car last week. Today I was sitting in my car at a redlight with the brake pressed and the anti skid light came on twice. When I got home and parked in my garage it did the same thing again. I could feel the brake pedal going down while the light and beeper came on. I didn't see this before the update.
Absolutely! It bears repeating. It is entirely possible that some of the folks who have reported 'no change' got 'no update.' Not every dealership employee has gotten the message. For example, the floor mats of our 2010 Prius were not anchored and the clips were not in the car. Others have also reported their floor mats were not anchored. Bob Wilson
Hummm, you know it might be time to draft a letter to the dealership management outlining your problems. Ask them if your only recourse is the "Lemon Law." This might get them to take a closer look at their service department. Bob Wilson
Yes, that's called "Hill Assist." I'm finding Hill Assist to be a sometimes a bit tricky to get to engage, but it's a helpful feature, starting up on hills; maybe its activation is easier after the ABS update. Check the owner manual, section 2-4, page 245.
Has anyone out there received an official (mail) Recall notice from Toyota re the '10 brake recall? Still nothing here. Haven't brought mine in yet - not in a rush - but interested if the notices went out...