Hey, Doc, you can now fuel up the antimatter pods in the Prius Shuttle! Seriously, this is amazing. The advances in theoretical particle physics/quantum mechanics seem to be coming hot and heavy. What with the creation of a mini black hole a few years ago (at least I'm convinced it was based on Hawking's revised black hole theory and the postulation of Hawking Radiation) and CERN coming back on-line, things are definitely heating up! Hopefully they won't screw up and destroy the Universe - I'd prefer they find an anti-matter fuel source, or alternate universe fuel source or some such, not to mention solving the relativistic speed limit.
Uh, I missed this. Do you have any details? I mean the gravitational kind, not the narrowband electromagnetic / metamaterial kind which has nothing to do with Hawking Radiation. From my limited understanding, if even LHC/CERN can create a mini black hole, it will seriously winnow down the field of proposed physics theories.
great, so now we're on our way to blowing up the world. lets do it in the hadron collider next and see if we get a big bang out of it.
No, no, no; you have it all wrong. We are on our way to *imploding* the world. No worries about blowing it up. Tom
It's like the guy who invented Universal Solvent. His Assistant noted, "Well what are you going to keep it in??"
Yeah, we're talking night and day differences here. You're thinking Death Star awesome explosion whereas it'll be more like Black Hole singularity. A lot less dramatic when viewed from the International Space Station but awe inspiring all the same.
Much of the outer layers would get blown outward. Just like a crowded theater full of people rushing for a single tiny fire exit all at once, the approach to the black hole event horizon becomes horribly jammed with huge amounts of matter trying to get to the tiny hole simultaneously. The resulting extreme compression causes extreme heating. Some of the matter gets through, but some matter and a huge amount of radiation is blown outwards as a mini supernova. The polar jets will be especially bad. I wouldn't want front row seats. Even Mars will be too close for safe observing.
+1 but only if the singularity was big enough to caused that huge rush and generate enough heat, doesn't always happen.