- 23 years old MALE, I look like I'm 18 though and boy do I get stares - Graduated college in 2009 - degree in bio - Currently working in biotech - I like long walks on the beach. But I am single, ladies Please do not steal my identity now. Since when did we start telling our political views? It shouldn't matter. Anyways, I am a Republican living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I get hated on by the liberals, and hated on by fellow conservatives for driving a Prius. I just can't please anybody.
I drives a prius. I do agree with a few posts that there are a wide range of poeple who drives a prius so to say there is a specific type is hard. I personally don't see myself as really a Prius driver but saying that I am driving a Prius. I like faster, stronger, luxurous, mafia looking, and powerful cars, Prius doesn't fit anything besdies being Economical. Hmm actually I am sad just thinking about it. AHHHHH what made me buy it. Crazy.
a political view survey would be very interesting. i'm a conservative, hence the word 'conserve', my friends are mostly liberals driving suv's. seems to be the one area of their life they believe policy is more important than personal choice.
Actually I have a question for you, which I am curious about. You have a Lexus RX400h but then you went ahead for a Prius. RX400H is a hybrid already why not get two RX400h instead? What made you choose the Prius? BTW how do you like your RX400H compared to the Prius? I am asking this because I am thinking about changing my car. My Rattlius is driving me crazy.
I've been looking to buy a prius in the last month or so and have been spotting prius's on the road to see who's driving them. From my observations only and this is generated from impressions with no hard core stats to prove it, but I think prius owners are 1) more intelligent than others 2) if older, more cost conscious 3) environmentally in-touch 4) and more secure with themselves and what they believe in. All in all, I think the Prius is a sexy car. It's fun and sexy to be green. There should be a prius dating web-site.
A Prius Owner/driver is a superior type of person, willing to take calculated risks with new technology in the pursuit of improving transportation efficiency. He (or she) also wants to minimize the flagrant burning of fossil fuels that took Mother Nature 100s of millions of years to create from the abundant sunshine that has bathed the Earth for the past 4 billion years, long before homo sapiens showed up. As of now, we're about half way through the "oil era" which began about 100 years ago. The easy deposits are pretty well pumped dry. What's left is more difficult and expensive to get at, even if we can find it. For the past decade we've been consuming 4 barrels of oil for every 1 added to reserves. Obviously that can't continue indefinitely. Every barrel of oil we burn today is 1 less left for our kids and grandkids. I could go on, but you get the picture. Also I'm 73 years old. For more detailed discussions, see ASPO International | The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
Migrated to Melbourne years ago, love my new country, people and the environment. But the number one reason is I want to be different to the other bunch of egoistic "sport cars" drivers in my company. I will be the first Prius driver in not many weeks to come and hope I can make some positive changes to the attitude in my workplace. Plus Prius is my dream car!!
Typical or atypical, I do not know... My husband and I are 30 and 29 respectively. We`re academic techy types and probably make a bit more money than is average. We own our own home in one of the most expensive places in the world, etc. The biggest reason we bought a Prius is because the technology is fascinating. When it comes to environmental aspects - well... We are up in the air as to how real the man-made global warming is (particularly with how commercialized the whole thing is these days) - but it doesn`t really matter as decreasing pollution, etc, is never a bad thing regardless. This is the same reason we prefer natural things, recycle, etc. Not because we think the world is going to end if we don`t, but because it`s just common sense to try to be cleaner. Driving and travelling is something we both enjoy, so the fuel costs for trips going down is always a bonus. I don`t know about our politics, particularly as we`re not in the US so don`t fit into the common categories listed by others.
Is it a traditional or modern Japanese home? The reason I ask is I recently visited a reconstructed traditional japanese home located in the Boston Children's Museum and found it fascinating for both its restraint and flexibility of use.
It`s a modern home, first floor of a newly built condo with large private yard (very rare in Japan) and parking space. Even in a modern home though things are quite flexible. We have moving walls and such even though we have only one full traditional style room. The parents in law have a very traditional inn as their home, but I am quite happy with modern living.
You are quite fortunate and I wish you continued blessings. American homes in general tend to be very inflexible. Our rooms are for the most part purpose built (living room, dining room, bedroom, etc.). A movable wall would be quite unusual.
No, it means the order of the ages is the same as the order of listing the people. Is there a better way to indicate this? I do not use English on an everyday basis...
I think you mean "respectively" not "consecutively". Consecutively I guess makes sense from a dictionary standpoint however not in regular english speech. No worries, as you speak better english than I do Japanese. I only took 6months of Ni-hon-go though
Your English is so good that I missed the fact that you are from Japan. I wouldn't have poked fun if I had realized that. Your English is excellent. As stated above, the normal way to show one-to-one mapping in a statement like yours is "respectively", meaning each in respect to the other. Tom