I've seen several posts where they speak of a "typical Prius driver". I would like to know who this is? What age group, what demographic, what "type" of person drives a hybrid? Thanks in advance.
I'm the typical Prius owner... A cowboy hat and Wranglers wearing naturalist (Land Manager) who sports a Farm Bureau Member sticker on the car and jams to Reggaeton on a 1,900 watt stereo system.
I think you will find a fairly wide range. However, if you really want to collect that data, I recommend you do it as a poll or at least list out what information you are looking for. e.g. What do YOU mean by "Type"?
My wife and I are early 50's. Our income bracket would be considered quite high by most people, we could have afforded a much more expensive car than the Prius but just needed a good reliable hybrid commuter car for the wife. It was C4C that prompted us to trade our 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee. We originally wanted a Camry hybrid but there none available last August because of C4C. Our other cars are a 2008 Lexus RX400h (nearly twice the price of a Prius IV) and a 2001 BMW 330Cic (bought used with only 1589 miles on it in 2005 for $32k). I think you'll find that Prius drivers represent a VERY wide range in age and income. Some people in more modest income brackets drive it because it's economical to buy, drive, and maintain. Other people might be worth millions, many of them drive it because they want to be "green". For example, houses in our neighborhood are $1 million+ and there are a bunch of Prius drivers. There are also a lot of Mercedes, BWM, and Suburban drivers. In either case (upper or lower income brackets), they're getting a good car which is a good value. We've had a bunch of high-end expensive cars, but we really like the Prius, it's a good car and enjoyable to drive. And it feels good to be green.
Drivers of all ages drive the beautiful Prius. It is probably one of the best automobiles ever made. I love mine.
I live in a low to middle income area and my Prius is the only Prius I have seen for miles. My block has cars ranging from insanely expensive (maybe 2-3 year old MB SL AMG) to my neighbors New Audi S4, to my Prius. I could be way off here, but I get the feeling that political views might be one of the few common variables among prius owners. For statistics sake.... I am 27 married no kids, college educated, going to grad school, FAR left leaning (border line socialist) my income by NYC standards is middle. I bought my prius because it is damn quiet, has no key, and is good on gas. I drive about 30 miles each way for work.
I'm the typical Prius driver. My Prius has an installed gun rack in which I have 2 of my shotguns and a rifle hanging on it at all times. My other two cars are a Hummer and a Ford Expedition.
middle-upper income, no kids or pets, 33, married, 6yr university education, no religious/political/environmental agenda, and no boats or ATVs to haul. Drive a Prius because it is sensible, practical, intelligent, and good-looking.....like me. tee hee.
Oh Oh.. I may not qualify I think I may give the poll a try.. Type- Male/female, rich/poor, college grad/ged, married/single, etc, etc.. Thanks everyone for the replies so far..
I don't think owning a Prius can be qualified by demographics. I think social consciousness plays a bigger role in choosing a Prius over other vehicles. How you look at our environment and the future of the world that we leave to our children factors into choosing a Prius over education, earnings, race, location, etc. Some people buy a Prius for the wrong reasons, just to look green, but if they end up driving it more than there 15MPG car, we are all better off. It's not so much who buys and drives a Prius, as much as it is why.
I understand what you're saying. I'm such an brilliant example of typical that I bring shame those who are more average.
I'm 49 (next month 50). The prius is my third new car ever and the most expensive. Cars here are very expensive (paid about $43K for a pretty basic Prius) but they are taxed less the regular cars. For example a Corolla would go for about $35K. I do feel that in 6-8 years the fuel I save together with the higher resale value should put me ahead. A (American) gallon of Gas goes for $6.30-6.70. So I feel good about being green and also feel that it was a good economic venture. I hope the upkeep will be reasonable.
I'm 30 year old male. That works in the construction trades. I was laid off, so i'm currenty looking for work. I'm a prius driver.
Prius drivers are so unique that, when a few switch from the Prius to other types of cars, this raises the typical (mean) IQ for both the Prius drivers and for drivers of the other car types.