Firstly this is really a repeat of the information originally posted by DeanFL - so credit goes to him. The front logo blue insert can be removed. It didnt really 'clash' colour wise with the black, but its still a big visual eye-catcher that I didnt really care for. 1. Open the hatch/bonnet (but you knew that) 2. Insert right hand into the hole - take it slow & easy - its very tight and a little bit painful (at least for me) 3. Feeling around inside you can locate the three ends of the attaching lugs. You push the ends you can feel, inwards (towards the car centreline), I found the right hand (looking toward front of car) the easiest to dislodge, and the logo starts to pop out. 4. Retire to your kitchen table, detach the blue insert from the silver plastic logo, trace round and cut out the same shape with your chosen material 5. Putting it back in is simplicity itself. The toughest part of the job is getting your bloomin' hand out again after step 2 ! Ouch ! The result looks great, particularly if you like the "understated" style. However I'm not totally happy with the choice of material (black vinyl) I used - just because I fear it may suffer over time with moisture etc; but we will see. I left the backing plastic on so its not stuck to the original insert, just on top of it. If I can find some black 'floppy' plastic sheet that would be perfect. Then I might re-do it, and thankfully it really would be pretty easy to repeat etc...... Hope this assists somebody..... regards 'Lex'
good job I just did it love the black background, I also did the rear too and blacked out the chrome logos Robert
Thanks for the DIY! will do this this weekend,I just blacked mine out with a black marker!! This will look better. Scott
Here: A little bit more involved but still easy.
I'm still waiting for some brave soul to be the first to figure out how to do this to a V with the AT radar behind the emblem.
Nuckz33, Now I'm not sure what you mean about the headlights - I havent made any change to them, they are what you get from the dealer here in UK (on a "T-Spirit" which is the top model) and maybe for all three models here AFAIK.... ? Thanks for the comments folks- as for the REAR badge - well I havent tried it yet: 1. It involves taking more of the car apart* and I might mess it up! 2. The rear blue logo doesnt bother me as much, it looks kinda cool. *I know 'NoMoShocks' had a thread about removing it with just a credit card but I started to try it and it wasnt working so I chickened out before I did something stupid. 'Lex'