From BM. The configuration is quite conventional. No parking assist, navigation system, nor sunroof. What's ur configuration looks like?
I paid pretty much the same as advertised amount, maybe a thousand dollars lesser. It was around 96K.
One thing I would like to find out is that the OMV for hybrid cars, are they the same consideration as non-hybrids? There is 40% off the ARF during registration, i heard fr friends that becos of this, the OMV u get back when u sell ur car is actually much lesser than non-hybrids. That is if OMV is 34k, after 10 yrs of driving, non hybrid gets back 50% of 34k while hybrid actually only gets back 30% of 34k (like 0.5 x 0.6 x 34k), do u know if this is true? this will affect how long I plan to use the car if i buy it...thanks.
Hi gohkg, The correct term to use is PARF. Please check out more details from LTA: ONE.MOTORING - PARF/COE Rebates Your friends are not wrong. You get lesser PARF for hybrids due to lower ARF. However, please bear in mind that the ARF are cash "deposited" with LTA, you would be better off if you invested in, for e.g. Fixed Deposit, which you will get at least some interests. I'll use your 34K for illustration: Non-hybrid ARF = 100% of OMV = 34K PARF = 50% of ARF (before 10th yr) = 17K Loss = ARF-PARF = 17K Hybrid ARF = 60% of OMV = 20.4K PARF = 50% of ARF (before 10th yr) = 10.2K Loss = ARF-PARF = 10.2K The difference is 6.8K. If you put 6.8K in FD, you will at least get some interests over 10 yrs.
Hi all. I have been driving GEN2 Prius since 2008. Would like to meet up with prius lovers in Singapore to share the same passion. Anyone here knows whether a prius club exist? my email is [email protected]