Since I all ready have a Prius that's been converted to a plug in I would have to take the original Insight with manual transmission.
The Ford Escape hybrid for our winters and potholes. My Prius would then be the summer car, and the Escape when going camping & such.
What a surprise - the 2010 Prius is winning a poll on PriusChat. :bored: A friend has a Ford Escape Hybrid and I would trade my Prius in a second if I could. The Ford gets terrific mileage for an AWD, and goes great in Colorado snow. I also like the interior.
Since I plan on keeping my 2006 Prius some 15+ years, I will eventually want to solve the HEATING and SURFING problems I have in the WINTER. Not pansy winters, below zero conditions and huge snowbanks that my Prius has to swim over. So why would I get a second nearly identical car??? Big wheels, high clearance, adjustable Traction Control, and a defrost system than can cook an egg or reboil my coffee. So, I really really like my 2006 Prius only 350 out of 365 days per year. EBH + a ceramic cabin warmer has made this last winter tolerable. (Coming back to the car after shopping is still *ugh*) My wife still complains...I need to change the front bucket seats to the Camry model that have seat warmers.
I may be lame, but what is the purpose of this poll on PriusChat 2010 Forum? Do you really believe the results would be applicable or accurate??? If its meant to foster conversation on the topic, that's been done ad nauseam.
We haven't had much weather below 0 degrees F, but at that temp myy '06 is warm and toasty almost immediately. As for the surfing on snow, I went to a set of hard-core General Ultimax winters, and they seem to make the Prius about equal to a conventional front drive car with all season radials. They can be studded - I didn't, but that might bring the winter performance up to, say, a front drive car with Blizzaks or Hankook Icebears. I don't believe anything will begin to get the Prius near an AWD conventional car with all season tires because of the overly sensitive traction control.
Getting an impartial vote here would be next impossible but even if I didn't have a G-III Prius, I still would have have voted the same.
Classic. We already have a 2005 and 2010. A Classic would be a great addition and complete the lineup. (Also less hassle than an original it seems, esp. with the language barrier).