While I've pushed my car, I'd been wiser reading about others wasting their cataylitic converter, traction battery pack, etc. while pushing their cars.
Driving that fast in the first place is idiotic. To the original poster, some drivers of all different cars are jerks. Making sweeping statements is just plain stupid. I am sure you don't appreciate it when someone puts you in a group and calls all members of the group idiots for some behavior they saw from one bad apple. And yes, this particular driver was being an idiot.
Passing with a passenger in the car at 115mph on a WV interstate with pot holes??? Sounds like they were wreckless and endangering their passengers life if you ask me.Then again, what do I know I'm from WV.
This case is clearly foolish escalation, but sometimes it's more like "The Duellists" (also from the 70's). No matter how hard you try to dodge a confrontation, some nut bag keeps after you in an obsessive desire to avenge some imaginary, manufactured slight. While less common on the road, I've seen plenty of pent up anger vented at Toyota, and the Prius in particular, in forums during the recalls. "How dew yew lahk yer Toyota POS now!?!? Buy 'Merkin!"
I was down at the DMV today registering the Corolla I bought for my son. A lady walked in and wanted to know why her Lexus now cost more to register than her Camry. So my wife asked her how she liked her Camry. The lady said they love it. So another guy waiting in line said he and his wife both own Toyotas and they wouldn't buy anything else. Then he volunteers that his son is in Japan working for Toyota teaching them English and has seen how the cars are made in the plants, so he recommends Toyotas to everyone he knows. Personally, I like my Toyota POS just fine, thank you very much!
I admit there are many bad American drivers. The drivers I've seen in Spain, Italy and Greece take the prize for complete lawless insanity though, making the "challenged" drivers I see here look like models of safety and competence.
I won't deny that some guys will try to keep it going on their own, but the game doesn't work unless 2 people play. More often than not, they're BOTH nut bags, and each one thinks the other one won't let it go.
Oh, believe me, if I could do it over again, I wouldn't. If I knew the truck was going to do that I wouldn't have. I know the road is kept to a certain level of maintenance in Germany, but ours is a different story. I also had a very important passenger demanding to see how fast the car could go too. I know it's wrong, but it felt SO RIGHT! yeah *roar*
Let somebody else do the hard work. A wise man learns from his mistakes. A wiser man learns from other peoples' mistakes. I have no curiosity as to the speed limit of my Prius.
Ontario has been the first province to enforce the rule, 105Kph max. Any 18 wheeler wanting to cross Ontario, Canada, must have an inhibitor chip installed, and tampering costs big in fines. :croc:
I have tested several of my cars over the years (Vette, 300zx, 350z, auditt, several BMW's), but I have never, repeat never, really been interested in knowing what my Prius would do ) And right now, potholes are terrible. We've had snow on the ground since mid-Jan and the roads have suffered greatly. Hitting a 6" deep pot hole with a low profile tire in a vehicle that while it handles well, does not sound all that great going over "normal" bumps, is not something I want to experience.
My thoughts are that a large pile of Bull is the starting point of this thread. Truckers may react to someone causing them some problem, but I drive long distance constantly and I never once had a problem with a trucker. Not one time. I've met a trucker who was a tad crazy, but even he wouldn't do the kind of thing described here. If a trucker did pose a threat, I'd just drop back and exit, call a cop, and let that suffice. If the trucker has a record of past instances they'll find a way to turn him into a pedestrian. Sparring at a hundred miles an hour with a 40 ton behemouth driven by a pea brain is a good way to get killed. The one with the functioning brain would escape and live to tell the tale.
Let me emphasize that the OP is talking about a pickup truck, not a semi tractor and trailer (articulated lorry for those across the pond.) It's easy to imagine this sort of behavior from a red neck pickup truck driver. Tom
Im gonna have to call you out on this. The F150 is limited to 93mph. The trucks PCM wont let it go any faster than that. Unless you were racing a lightning
Hmm, do you think things out? We passed the truck... It could have been limited to 93. The truck had some obvious modifications.. so who knows. Maybe that was modded too. /shrug