I said "Other," because of EVs no longer being built, I like the tzero best. Of course, as I said in your other thread, the BEST electric car is the one I have, because I can actually drive it! Below: the tzero and a Zap Xebra (not mine, but the same model and a better picture than I have of mine).
from what I've read on Darell's website Darell's Electric Vehicle Page the EV1 had tremendous torque, and if you watch his video's, you can hear the tires screeching, sounds like a fun car to drive. Too bad GM made the wrong decision, had they continue with the EV1, and not gone after the super large SUV market, they would be the leader in EV's right now, the Toyota Prius might not have caught on as much, and they certainly might not be looking at an eventual bankrupcy