I just found there is a chipped corner on my left turning light (see photo). I think maybe a stone hit it while I was driving. What should I do about it? Leave it alone or replace it. In addition, I think the light is really easy to be hit by something due to its low location and design (pop out instead of recessed). I may call it good looking cosmetically but bad design practically. Anyone has a better idea to protect it?
Yea you can buy the protective films for your headlights and the such. Same material as the clear bras I believe. You could do this yourself or most local tint shops should offer this service. I wouldn't worry about it UNLESS it's cracked all the way through, as moisture would be able to get inside the housing.
I would leave it alone. If I had a bit of 3M or VentureShield film scrap I might take the time to cut pieces to cover the lens.