I have my car ABS Actuator fixed today, now the car stop too fast and the brake actions does not match the Energy Monitor activity plus the pedal it is harder to push. When the brake it is apply and the car stop fully it shows that the Electric Battery is supplying power to the electric motor, only when you push the pedal harder to the floor the supply of energy stop also after stopping and the car is let roll down hill by gravity there is no show of energy flowing either way. This brake solution need more work done But the dealer said that the modification afect the whole sistem that way Good luck guys I want my money back
Update done today. Never experienced any braking problems before but now the brake pedal feels more like our second car (non hybrid) in that there is very little brake pedal travel before braking effect. Before brakes felt very soft but effective.
Since y'all asked, I got the car just before Thanksgiving. Thus, my calculations indicate it was probably made before January. Dealer was planning a "new owner event" (I think an opportunity to schmooze plus offer us an opportunity to buy big tailpipes and extra floormats), but then we got a letter that their service dept was really busy (fixing accelerators) and they'd have to postpone the event. We thought, "You guys should just have a firmware updating party". Our radio club used to do that.
I didn't get any letter... just took my car to the dealer and asked when I can get my car updated. The service manager gave me a time and date.
I had the "update" done yesterday. Was at the dealership for other reasons and just ask them if they could do it while I waited. They said they could and that it would take an hour. This is what I have been told regards time all along. It's a ten minute job! But they tell you an hour.... and they get it back to you in an hour. They've done what they said they'd do! I can't say difinitively that I ever felt the problem. I thought once or twice that I may have. And if it was what I thought I felt...... it was nothing to me. I've only had it done for 24 hrs and have driven it probably 150 miles since. I never tried to make it do the problem before....and I feel the brakes feel more conventional now. My brakes have always been "touchy", very light touch to them. They now feel more like other cars I have driven, and the other ones I presently have, which are not hybrids. Whether there is any real difference will take time to tell, not 24hrs, but all of this was no big deal to me.
Had the update done wefnesday. Felt the problem a few times before THE UPDATE So far it hasn't happened since the update but it is still early . Braking NOW a little more like other cars i HAVE DRIVEN
QUESTION... Both my parents and I own a 2010 Prius, purchased in November and December. I havent had mine done yet but they had theirs done last week. Now when using their cruise control, and when you want to tap the brakes to turn the cruise off, it no longer turns off. The cruise just keeps the car going. He actually has to press the brake hard enough that the power goes into the CHARGE a slight bit, and only then it will release the cruise control. He said the car then stops hard becuase you can no longer "tap" the brake peddle to turn it off. I asked him how much charge shows, he said about 1/6 of an inch shows in the charge field when applying brakes, while the car is going full speed with cruise on -- then a little harder and it turns off AND the car stops hard... Grabbing the little stick on the steering wheel towards you to disengage the cruise works normally. Anyone else had this? Scary stuff - and it is NOT intermittent. Going back to dealership (obviously) early next week.
The update should have no bearing on the cruise disengaging. That is controled by a switch that is activated by the postion of the brake pedal. MY WAG is that the pedal now is stiffer in movement from the update then before and it feels different in movement. My pedal now feels slightly stiffer but cruise kicks off the same as before.
Agree with LRKingII's WAG. I have used my cruise every day and the upgrade had no affect whatsoever with my cruise engage/disengage. The brake pedal does feel a little firmer than before.
This is a problem that several have reported with the 2010 Prius, myself included. A lot of cars seem to have left the factory with the brake light/CC disengage switch adjusted wrong. Toyota dealers are reluctant to adjust it, probably because it's way back under the dash and hard to reach. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/69870-releasing-cruise-control-brake.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...cussion/74825-brake-lights-light-up-late.html Keep in mind this is the same switch that turns the brake lights on, so if the CC disengages late the brake lights come on late also. If the brake ECU reflash changed the pedal position where the brakes activate, which it certainly could do, it would effect the point at which the CC disengages and brake lights operate. Could also be that the problem was there before and he just noticed it, mine was that way from day one.
Had mine done yesterday. Yes, the brake pedal does feel firmer than before. Haven't experienced the brake issue since having the flash performed, but it's too soon to tell. It's winter here with lots of snow and ice, so there's plenty of opportunity to see whether the fix really works or not. Edit. OK, the brake issue still occurs, but it is much, much briefer. A mere blip and IMHO, pretty insignificant.
I received the AOB update this morning, and will hold off voting until more experience is acquired. Perhaps this ongoing controversy has made me more sensitive to brake feel: (1) Immediately after the update, the regen-to-friction transition at 7 mph felt like the brakes were 'letting go'. After reading Adrian's description of the adaptive control a few days back, it seems likely that the update cleared or invalidated the adaptive memory, and it had to re-learn its own hardware adjustments. Which it did before the day was over. (2) Yesterday (before AOB ) it seemed that the brakes 'let go' in the school zone photo trap at the base of the local hill, on smooth surface. I think the battery SOC topped (not normal for this hill) and regen ceased at that moment. Not having experienced this transition at such a low speed or very light braking, and not in B mode, maybe the adaptive controls hadn't previously calibrated this operating point. Or I've become hyper-sensitive about the car or the new speed trap camera. (3) My Subaru brakes don't feel 'right' anymore.
Prius III - with Nav.- I have had the recall done, but the brakes still feel sticky, or grabby on the first push of the pedal, and subsequent first pushes. I have just under 500 miles on the odo.
I took my 2010 Prius IV in to the dealership. They came out and said that my Prius already had the update. ?!?!? 1.) I can reliably reproduce the issue 2.) I bought mine in August of 2009 (long before the Jan 2010 mfg cut-in of the fix) 3.) The last time I had it in for service was November 2009 I'm not sure what to do now.
I haven't even received the recall notice. My dealer said that I have to have the notice before they can do anything. Mine was built in June 2009.
<AHEM>Wrong answer! Who is that dealer? I and a few of my friends would like to visit them: Bob Wilson
I am NOT the primary driver of this car. That said my wife was able to reproduce the brake issue on a regular basis and no longer can. I sent her off in my HHR in our last snow storm because it has snows and she would be driving it all day long so I got the Prius. The only thing I notice in the snow is that the ABS would pulse as normal, then stop, then start again???? None of my other cars have done this on ice/snow. Yes I stopped ok as far as I could tell anyway. It just felt funny. I'm an ex-mechanic and have had plenty of experience with non ABS cars and ABS cars as well as FWD, AWD, 4WD and RWD. On a side note it did go through a foot or so high snow drift that I swear I was going to get stuck in....I just made it and the front was full of snow. But I made it. I think snows are in order for it next year because it just does not match the traction of my HHR (even with 18's on her).
I called Toyota Customer Experience today and described the situation. I got escalated to Toyota Corporate. There I spoke to a nice lady who confirmed that my Prius indeed needs the ABS update. She is going to contact the dealership to find out what happened and to get me rescheduled for the update. Hopefully they get it right this time.
How is your brake light switch setting? If you still feel any engine resistance when on cruise control and you slowly apply the brakes, the stop light needs adjusting. ... Just a thought. Bob Wilson