Hello the latch in my 2010 Prius is broken. The hatch wont latch closed, I cannot lock the vehicle, but worst of all is the beep beep beep when I drive above 5 mph. I went to my dealer today who said optimistically that the part should be in tuesday. Any suggestions on disabling the beep until I can get the latch replaced?
I wouldn't be driving it all especially when you mentioned the not locking issue. Having an unlocked car is an open invitation for thugs to help themselves to anything inside your car. Having it beep nonstop would probably make me want to drive it a cliff too. I'd seriously go rent a car for a few days or ask the dealer for a loaner.
Neither of those are an option. I will leave nothing of value in it when I park. So I reiterate my earlier question. Anybody have a suggestion on how to disable the beeping?
Drive with the radio turned up real loud? I doubt a safety feature such as a beep when a door (rear hatch) is ajar could be easily disabled... Unless you find a way into tricking the switch in the rear hatch into thing the hatch is actually shut.
Yeah I can do that. but then the hatch is bouncing against the closed latch. In its broken state, it does grab the hasp, but not fully. If I close the latch completely with a screwdriver, the latch closes but the hasp bounces against it when I drive. Oh well loud radio it is.
Can you temporally remove the fuse associated with the beeping door ajar or open circuit. Check your owners manual too see what other circuits this may effect? Jim
According to the 2006 wiring diagram, there is a switch on the latch that detects when the latch is open. Assuming the same design on the 2010, unplugging that switch should be equivalent to having the door closed. You'll have to remove enough paneling to get to the latch, and then just unplug the wiring that goes to it.
Thread Necro, but to add an answer here in case someone else has a similar problem: I found this thread looking for info on how to remove the latch, since mine has been jammed. I was able to prevent the meeting by using a tie down .I put the hook through the loop on the hatchback, and the other on one of the tire tie downs, running the strap through the other tie down hook to make a triangle. I was able to tighten it enough that the door read as closed, though there was still a small oo ning
Ugh. Must remember to proofread better when typing on phone. 'meeting' = beeping, 'oo ning' = opening.