Take a look at my latest accessory. A Christmas gift from my wife. This is my third Colgan Custom bra. The first one I got with my first purchase car, a 1990 Escort. I was very impressed with the design and durability that I ordered one for my 2003 Ford Taurus. Again very satisfied with the quality since then, I couldn't wait to get one for my Prius. And here it is. I understant these things are a like or hate thing, but when you commute 24000 miles a year or more, the front end really gets nicked up. Please comment, thank you.
It was purchased directly through Colgan Custom 's web site. You can also purchase them at Auto Anything.com The only difficulties were the mounting hooks that connect up under the fender wells. They were quite a stretch. It is suggested to lay it out flat in the warm sunlight for a while for it to soften before installation. All the mounting hook locations are fairly straight forward. It does not flap at speed. All three Colgan Custom bras I've had, mounted very securely.
I had one of these on another car and found that it scuffed the paint. I hope your experience is different from mine.
I had the "leather" bra on my 2004 Prius. I like the look, but it scuffed the paint. So I put the clear bra on my 2010.
I like the look of the cover over that of a clear bra With this one, I can remove it and wash under it. With a clear bra, wax can build up on the edges. Faiding can and does occur, but that happens over years of constant use. My commute to work is 45 miles one way through the desert. During the summer months, bug guts get really messy and in my opinion, do more damage to paint than a cover will over time. I don't normally use it during the winter, but since I just got it, I had to put it on.
Absolutely beautiful! I have a Colgan for my 08 Scion TC and i love them.. Thanks for the pictures I have a black 2010 also im definately ordering this. Looks great!
I am looking to get a bra just for my road trips only. I would take it off when I get back. I am worried about the paint scratching underneath. I thought about taping up the front end of the car with the blue painters tape and then putting the bra on. This way it would prevent any scratching occurring due to the bra. Thoughts? Comments?
Just leased a 2010 Pkg 4 that I picked up last week and ALREADY have a "ding" from a rock in the soft front bumper cover. Here's my take on the bra issue: Clear bras are best BUT I just got an estimate from a 3M installer for of $450 for the front bumper only and $750 for the works (bumper/hood/fenders/mirrors). That's a lot money for a cosmetic mod (even if you own the car) that you can't see if it's done right, but WAY too much to spend on a leased vehicle. The Colgan bra only costs $135 on AutoAnything, but there's a 2 month lead time for a Colgan Bra and a lot of damage can happen in that time. LeBra's are available from for $70 in a couple of weeks, but LeBra doesn't have a felt backing (more scratching) and only has a 90 day vs. 3 yr warranty. FWIW, almost all of the published ratings for LeBra by Prius owners that I saw on AutoAnything's site are 4 or 5 (out of 5). Since it's not my car, I really don't need to get a bra but I'm fussy about the appearance of my vehicles (even when I just lease them). So, I'm probably going to get a LeBra just to avoid any more dings and just buff out any scratching when the lease is up.
Clear bra = OEM look of the car, i'm confused, you prefer the black bra over the natural lines of the car? I know that people with other kinds of vehicles, although have clear bra's done (i'm talking about custom clear bra, not precut) they use these for long distance travel like on vacation and stuff.
This looks very nice. I had a two-piece front end cover for my VW Beetle and I got some scuffing from the "fold over" tabs the maker used to fasten the lower half to the wheel well openings. Overall, I like to use the bras for out of town travel only and won't leave it on all of the time. Rocks are worse than the bugs.