Whenever the temp is below freezing and I've driven the car for awhile and then park my car to go into a store,etc., when I come out, the inside of all the windows are always fogged. We own two Lexus's, both with the Toyota Auto Climate control and never have this issue. Has anyone else experienced this with their Prius?
Nope, never here in Minnesota. Of course, I don't use the recirculate feature. Do you? Moisture from your own breathing will build up if fresh air from outside isn't brought into the cabin. .
If I'm driving alone in the winter, I roll the passenger-side windows down a few inches during the last minute or so to exchange the dryer outside air with the more humid air inside the car. This reduces freezing on the inside of the windows while you're parked.
I also have had this problem a few times. I agree with QBEE42 and Effwitt. Using the outside air intake and when necessarry opening the passenger widows a little does help alot. I've found that this generally only happens when the temp is just on the cusp of freezing and and hitting - figures(°C). As mentioned above try to resist recirculating the air, I managed to freeze the inside of the windshield once by forgetting to switch off the recirc......
No, I've not had this problem. I'll play with the air recirculating system and try to duplicate. The suggestions about fresh air etc seem sound.
We have always had a problem with window fogging in the 2010, especially at the driver's side corner around to the side window. Bought the car in November before the temperature was very cold and have continued to have the problem no matter the temp outside. We never encountered it in our 2005, so there must have been some changes made to the configuration of the system. Have tried all modes and still have to periodically open the window (COLD in ILLINOIS in the WINTER!) to clear it. Passenger needs a blanket. Miserable and frustrating problem.
With outside air on all the time it still fogs? Sounds like a fault with the air system. Have it fixed under warranty. As for the rest, next time take a test drive before buying :_>
Anyone tried Fog-X on their window? I'm not sure how often you have to apply it but it has worked for me on other cars. I have not had my Prius long enough to see if fogging is going to be an issue but I know the Fog-X product is inexpensive.
I cleaned the inside of my windows with Windex and I replaced the cabin air filter (which was extremely dirty) and now my windows don't seem to fog up as much. I also applied Rain-X to the outer windows, but I don't think that contributes.