I've seen that, too many times, at our local Starbucks. The parking lot is already too small *grrrr*, and then we get huge nice person trucks and SUVs parking across TWO spots marked "compact"... um, no. Ever want to just stick a 'ticket' under their wiper? "You are not a compact car. Get out of this spot!!"
As I've mentioned before elsewhere, in Mexico, people who get upset by people blocking their driveway often post a sign that reads "Se pinchan llantas gratis." ("Tires punctured for free.") I am opposed to vandalism, so I do not recommend puncturing the tires of people who take two spaces in crowded parking lots, and then putting a note on their windshield that says "Congratulations! For your demonstration of exceptional skill in parking, demonstrating the unusual ability to occupy two spaces, you have won first prize: Your tires have been punctured at no cost to you. We normally charge $10 per tire for this service." And then in smaller type: "The IRS requires that services received as contest prizes must be declared as income for tax purposes. You received this service with a value of $40, and should therefore declare $40 as 'prize income' on your tax return." Since I believe that such actions would not be nice, I renounce any income derived from such actions, and I renounce any claim to patent rights on the concept of puncturing the tires of parking hogs. Therefore, if you do (against my advice) puncture the tires of parking hogs, you need not send me any royalties for the idea.
I'm sure if that jerk could figure out how to occupy 3 parking spaces without inconveniencing himself he would do it. :madgrin:
Although it would be a crime to deliberately puncture someone's tires, it wouldn't be to park your (sub)compact car in the available space but so close that the driver couldn't open his door. (Make sure your car is a beater if you try this).
I've seen a car take 3 spaces many years ago. The car was dirty and someone wrote assh*** all over the car in the dirt.
I used to drive a VERY LARGE Ford LTD station wagon. It was a friggin' beast of a vehicle. I could park that thing into normal spots without a problem. Since it was older than I was and showed some age, I had no problem using it to prove points occasionally. Besides, I was in high school and was invincible. There were more than a few times when I would park right next to some jerk's driver's door when he was over the line. And like the video, they were over the line for no reason.
That's why I am not advocating it. I am also not advocating writing "Park between the lines, donkey" in tar paint (pretty much can't be removed) on his truck. I don't advocate it, but the assholes deserve it. I once wrote "NO MORE HIROSHIMAS" in tar paint on a missile silo. (I pleaded guilty to it when they finally brought me to court over it, of course. My philosophy is "Never do anything you'd be embarrassed to admit to in open court.") I think the stuff comes off of concrete more easily than it comes off of a car body, though. You can sandblast concrete, or use strong chemicals on it.