If the vehicle makers would use a C type gas pedal with an up pad at the top, you could lift the gas pedal up with the top of your foot. This would take care of all the binding and floor mat sticking problems, mechanical or electric pedals. However it would not solve any electric or pedal binding problems, but would be a very good device to have in an emergency. This type of pedal is common in race cars. I built the first one I had ever seen around 1963 after a fellow racer went threw the fence at Langley field speedway and told me his accelerator pedal stuck. I don't know if I was the first one to make one, but they are in most race cars now. There is also the steering wheel ignition kill button that can be used to shut off the engine. I think this type pedal should be installed in all cars. I have did emergency practice with my 2008 Prius to see if it will shut down. Apparently I have the brake shut down program in my car. At 60 MPH, floored the gas and hit the brake and the engine turned off. I also tried the ON/off switch and it shut the car down. Never tried the shift into neutral option, but will the first chance I get. (comments) You can vote on this modification at the top of the page. Roy
There would probably be more incidents, this time with people getting their shoes stuck in the gas pedal. Pressing Park while driving is another way to put the car in neutral.
I think they should just bolt your shoe to the gas pedal. When you get in the car, you tie the shoe on. If the pedal gets stuck, lift your foot. Brake with the other foot. Or put a rocker between the throttle and brake: if you step on the brake, it lifts the throttle.
Or put a rocker between the throttle and brake: if you step on the brake, it lifts the throttle. You know this has been dun. Smokey Yunick actually put one in his side pod Indy car. The driver didn't like it so he took it out. I think it might work OK with power brakes. I have always been a left foot breaker. You can break faster that way and sometimes when racing you want to break and gas at the same time. Racingroy