2001 Prius...sat for several months...jumped it with a jump box and moved the car, but when I went to move it again, the box was too weak....so I connected to a larger battery. Now the car will not power up & the horn sounds constanly. Found a few blown fuses & replaced, but no luck. What would blow if the larger battery had too much juice for the system?
If you were using a 12V battery, then it would not have "too much juice" for the system. If you had blown fuses, then it seems likely that the battery polarity was reversed during the jump start process. You'll have to check the fusible links, especially the DC/DC 100A link. Also check the MAIN 120A fuse located in the 12V battery positive terminal fuse block. It is possible that the inverter was destroyed if in fact the battery polarity was reversed during a jump start.
Ok, thanks. Where is the DC/DC 100A link? The inverter was not connected, I am in the process of replacing it.
Good question. In 2G, the fusible links are located within a 5" long white and clear plastic box, within the main relay/fuse box near the inverter. However I don't know where they are located in Classic. At the time I owned a 2001 I had no reason to try to find the fusible links. If another Classic owner does not provide this info, you may need to subscribe to techinfo.toyota.com so that you can download the relevant repair manual info. Was the inverter installed before you tried to start the car? If not, then there is no way the engine will start. It is spun by MG1 which obtains high voltage AC via the inverter.
Ok, thanks. The inverter was not installed. I have the car in storage and just wanted to push it 20 feet or so. The car will not go into nuetral unless it has power & the key is on.