Video - Breaking News Videos from Any comments? Who knows what happened, but man, this is just more bad press for Toyota.
Market wasn't moving the home, so they crashed through the house to try and get Toyota to buy their house /sarcasm edit: they did say the car WAS recalled. Guess they didn't get around to bringing it in yet...
How can the gas pedal get stuck if you never stepped on it? She thought she was standing on the brake, but was probably standing on the gas pedal.
Video no longer available? Did anyone that viewed the video notice any skid marks from the tires that would indicate that the brakes were being applied?
Nope. But most of it was interviews with people who were not the driver. They did show the car being pulled out of the house. It was in almost up to the rear bumper. Lots of torn up framing and drywall. But I didn't see any skid marks.
"The unidentified driver told Channel 2 Action News she was leaving her driveway for a trip to the store when the 2009 Corolla took off. She said she stomped on the brake, but the car ran across the street and slammed into a neighbor's house." From Stone Mountain: 'Toyota Defense'? - WSB News on We'll probably see lots of these - every time a driver hits the wrong pedal in a Toyota it'll be another case of unintended acceleration caused by faulty electronics. Here's another one:
so . . . a 14 year old car. I'm certain the victims' family didn't jump ship (originally blaming the PENNYLESS criminal) simply because of Toyota's deep pockets. .
Hmmm, if you want to run over someone and get away with it, better do it in a Toyota and you have a nice defense.
Does "The Toyota Defense" also work in reverse?? At the end of the video you can hear the engine revving and the old guy seems to have no idea he has the accelerator pinned to the floor.
Here's an update about the Corolla crashing into the house. It contains what the driver said to the police at the scene. Update Friday, 2/26/10 12:30 p.m. The investigating officer's narrative of what Denise Moore said about the accident is included in the DeKalb County police incident report. It contains additional detail about what she was doing just before she says the gas pedal stuck. It states that, at first, she was alternating between the gas pedal and brake as she was pulling forward out of her driveway, moments before the car sped ahead as she tried to stop it. It reads: "Driver 1 was exiting the driveway of her home. She stated that she put her foot on the gas pedal then she put her foot on the brake. She stated that she put her foot on the gas again and the car sped across the street causing the vehicle 1 to strike an unoccupied residence. "The witness of this accident stated that she saw the vehicle stop and it suddenly sped across the street into the unoccupied residence. Driver 1 sustained minor injuries to her lip and forehead. Rescue 25 responded to the scene and treatment was refused by driver 1."
People are just making themselves look stupid now. I've had a couple of accidents over my lifetime, both of which were my own mistake in a mixture of unfortunate circumstances. I'm amazed that the Toyota witch hunt has grown in the US to such an incredible level where any accident concerning the worlds number one selling vehicle manufacturer clearly isn't going to be reported as "stupid idiot has a bad day and is in accident" but rather "Toyota vehicle has artificial intelligence and drove over my dog before sleeping with my wife".
Centurion, LOL! The police report indicates the driver said she stepped on the gas, then the brake, then the GAS and the car accelerated into her neighbors house. Perhaps this is why the video is no longer available? Media jumped the gun before they had all the facts?? I wish the media would "jump the shark" already so we can get beyond all the frenzy.
LMAO. and I agree, this whole media hype in the US has become ridiculous...not that it wasn't to begin with.