A picture says a thousand words. More than 2 weeks now and no rattling noise over bumps or uneven road surface. Should I send my bill to Toyota??:rockon:
Looks like a dried out chocolate Pop Tart with mint sprinkles. Never would have thought of trying that. ;-)
They should release a TSB for that, with some paddings hidden from view. Seems like an easy enough fix. But we must make noise first just like we did for the blurry A/C display.
I noticed in a couple threads that it affects the right side of the center console. Those of you who have a temporary fix in place should show it to the dealer and perhaps they can re-assemble it using some paddings hidden from view. Adding insulation is frequently done under warranty and this shouldn't be any different.
I'm gonna try using some clear polyurethane/rubber bumper "feet", hopefully it will be a lot less unsightly.
Anone figured out a non-visable way to do it. Can the pieces be separated so you can fit something in and then reattach the 2 pieces?