I am new here, but I have been browsing this site ever since I bought my 2009 Silver Prius. It was a few days following my 18th birthday when I was on my way home from visiting my horse. A Ford Focus went through a stop sign and red blinking light and hit the passenger side of my car. At that time my bf was driving, I was in the passenger side. My car was totaled, sadly. Though it took the Focus down with it. The Focus lost its entire front, while my Prius had damage, it kept me safe. I have two fractures in my pelvis which I am healing from, though I still could not be happier with the safety of the car. They had to cut my door off. They were training new firefighters and the fire and police stations were under a quarter a mile away, so they decided to cut the side post off and every door of my car off x.x The sleazy people at the tow company kept saying to us that they reserve the right to repair it and sell it. [yeah, good luck with that] We got the report of what would need to be fixed on the car, it was 3 pages long, fine print. Costs totaled upwards of $16,000. So its totaled and we are getting $22,000 back in insurance. I plan to buy a new 2010 Prius, though I don't like the way they look as much. Though I'm excited to pick the color now. I was stuck with silver since I bought it when they were really big and you had waiting lists for months. I am feeling the color red now It was awful, I saw it happening. The Focus didn't even slow down one bit, and it was a T section so it eventually had to turn. You would think you would slow down for that. Their car was traveling 35-40mph, we were traveling around 30-35mph. The local news paper was taking photos, oy. If I could have walked I would have attacked them. That's just rude in my opinion. It took the police 2 weeks to track down the people that hit me for their statement. They had to send the state troopers after her. All she wrote was that she 'didn't know what happened.' Apparently she was lost and looking for the on ramp. Last time I checked the on ramp was not located on my passenger side door. But here are the photos. RIP Penelope the Prius haha, the pwned focus Photos copyright Jim Michaud, Journal Inquirer I take no credit for any of the photos posted. link- February 10, , 2010 | Journal Inquirer
That Prius protected you very well. This is just the sort of crash risk that convinced me that my ancient Accord was overdue for retirement, despite still running well. I'd already just barely stopped in time to avoid getting T-boned by a red-light-running truck at that same speed, which would certainly have killed my wife and left me in very bad shape, at best. Now if I can just convince the wife to retire her old car ...
Where are the photos of the rescuers being electrocuted?? Just kidding, glad everyone is OK, that could've been a pretty terrible accident...particularly if not for those side airbags.
Evan you smartar**!! Glad to read you got out with relatively minor hurt. side impacts can be really damaging to people in cars. How did your BF pull up after the accident? I bet you were both pretty sore.
haha nice one Evan. Glad to hear you're well after the incident. Sorry you lost your Prius. I would be pretty sad if I lost Totoro (my Tideland Prius). But then now you can grab a new one!
My boyfriend was fine. Thank goodness. The poor, innocent people who hit me had 'really bad injuries' they claimed. A bruised knee and sternum. I'd take that over my pelvis being broken, but hey. maybe I am crazy
WishingStone, that should just buff out. Start shopping for the new one by going to www.aaa.com to build a car & get dealer quotes. Best wishes for a speedy & complete recovery.