Hello, My name is John and I live in Japan. I recently bought a new Prius here in Japan. The navigation system manual isof course in Japanese. I desperately need an English manul. Does anyone knowwhere I might buy a comprehensive navigation system manual? Toyota in Japan promised me an English manual while I was negotiating to buy the but once I had taken delivery of the car they stated that an English manual was impossible to come by. I wouldappreciate any help with this. Thanks John
Here you go John. This link goes to the Navigation manual, in four parts. http://priuschat.com/forums/navigation-man...guide-vt63.html I've also attached a list of the available voice commands. It came from http://priuschat.com/forums/list-of-voice-...ands-vt185.html Enjoy!
Thank you Sean forthe information on the Navigation System. The Japanese manual is about 500 pages with lots of pics. I need something comprehensive. The 5 pages you sent is a good start but I really need to find an owner's operating manual for the navigation system. Anybody else know of such a manual? John
[font=Comic Sans MS:05101bf273]If you go to Toyota's US web site you can order a NAV manual for $15.95. It may be available online, here or other places. What specifically are you interested in. The manual contains a bit of Janglish, which I'm sure you are used to, but the chatters at PriusChat have pretty much deciphered it all, and more.[/font:05101bf273]
:idea: Here's another NAV system resource. This link takes you to the Lexus online DVD which includes the NAV system - same system as the Prius the only difference being placement of the panel buttons. I found it helpful in learning the NAV system. http://www.lexus.com/models/es/interior.html#dvd
John, I realize that you are anxious to find an English version of the 500 pages navigation manual (the one which came with my car is perhaps one tenth as long). However, is it really necessary to cross post this request on as many threads as you did?
There's no guarantee that the NA NAV manuals will match the Japanese NAV. The Japanese products often have differences, such as more features, and I believe the NAV in Japan has more features.