How do you mega-fuelers KNOW when your Prius has had enough? Does the gas spit out at you? Do you look into the fuel hose to actually see the gas. Or Petrol, as they say in Scotland. You know, that's where they invented the game. Except they call it, "GALF." opps... slipped into CaddyShack mode! Regardless, I think I'll try a mega fill instead of running out of gas.
There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Dan. That guy is going to really show us how it's done. Funny thing is, I've had the car for 16 months now and I still get such a kick out of it.
709 klicks on the way home got it for 86.4 and it was 102.4 on the way to work this morning. I had just dropped to 1 bar so it was timely.
Just checking in to see where Dan, et. al, are at. Currently I'm at about 580 miles, 55.7 mpgs and still slowly climbing - I'll be going at least another 100 miles. I'd need about a 57.3 to reach my second 700 mile tank, and I don't think I'll be pulling that off this time around. Not complaining though, this will be my second month in a row of averaging over 55+ mpg for the whole month. So where are the rest of you at right now? -m.
Boy, am I going to pay attention to the people who call it a "guess gauge". I ran out of gas just after dropping to 1 pip on the guage. No "add fuel" warning or blinking. However, when I EV moded into a gas station with 1 power bar left (for those of you who say you can't do that, BAH!) I could only get 10.4 gals in to the first "click" off of the pump. The next day (I was driving back from Virginia to Ohio) , I stopped at 2 pips for gas and pumped in 10.5 gals. I don't think the pumps were screwy because the miles driven/gas used indicated my MPG was within 1 of the MFD reading. Soooo..analyze away, but it doesn't change the fact that everyone's car is different a little. My pet theory is that the bladder was not "seated" properly or a had a small fold which broke loose after my out of gas experience. But then again, maybe not. A few weeks before, I got the blinking one pip and add fuel warning and put about 8.9 gals in it which is why I had no fear in letting it drop down there again on my trip to Virginia. It's those darn gremlins...
Each car is different Schmika, along with environmental factors. I don't get why people feel they have to push the envelope on that tank full. Any fuel injection system, air intrapment, as well as picking up maybe sludge or dirt or water from the very bottom of a tankful can cause harm. That is what I have been taught always about cars, as well as other engine applications. Go for the GOOD mileage and don't take chances, I generally disregard the gas gauge and fill up between 400 and 500 miles, that should depend on the mileage and assumes about a 10 gallon fill up. I never ran out of gas on any car, except maybe way back when I was a teenager in my 1965 chevy...that had a fuel pump and a carburetor. You can pretty much assume a 1.5 to 2 gallon reserve, the listed capacity of the tank is 11.9 gallons. A 9-10 gallon fill up should yield to you 400-500 miles, depending on many factors. And by the way the first click on a gas pump only indicates that enough pressure was venting thru the neck, and back pressure increased to cause a shutoff. If you were filling at a fast rate, or if the pump is very sensitive, you usually can re-start filling at a SLOW pace for 1 to 1.5 gallons to get a full fill up. This shutoff action will vary from gas station to gas station, and generally the first cut off means you got about a gallon more to go before a full tank. The super fuelers that go for the 600/700 mile tanks, actually force in maximum gas until they can no longer get any in without spilling, and by doing this over and over they slowly strech out the bladder a bit and can get more gas in then the 11.9 gallons.
No kidding! On a recent trip from Houston, I got the blinky bar halfway in between two towns. No problem I thought, there would be 15 miles till next town, I will make it. Come to find out I didn't about 2 miles short of the gas station. Thankfully through a series of using up most of the battery and restarting the car several times, we made it to the station. Put in 11.6 gals at first click. From now on, I am going to make sure and refill earlier as soon as it starts blinking or at 2 bars when traveling.
Rflagg, I see you have a Black Prius, how do you go on very hot days. I am getting one in a few weeks, not ordered yet, and it get's hot here 40C 110F. I would be interested in your comments.
Masoud, Yeah, I drive a black one and I love it. It does get hot in the interior if it's sitting in the sun all day (like it does at my workplace). Just the past week we had temps at and around 100F with a heat index of 110F+. I don't own a windshield cover either, so it's very much left out in the open. However, the A/C on this car is really good - when it was above 100F here, I'd set it to 66F, and set it on the second setting (I think there's a total of 8 settings) - and it'd cool off quite quickly - less than 5 minutes. I can't say whether the black gets much/any hotter than the others, but that's been the experience with mine so far. Hope this helps! -m.
Thanks Rflagg, I think I will stay with the Black than, I have never had this color and think it is going to look great with tinting Nice Puss, looks like Prius fans are also animal fans. I am going to fit in nicely I think...
Masoud..welcome aboard, the black looks great too I have a silver one, but I could not pick colors, it was take this one or wait more....
Ialtmann, thanks mate. I am lucky that the dealer has a black one with all the bits plus $4k of extra krap I would not normally pay for such as rust, paint proofing. 6 Year warranty, alarm system etc. The Buyer could not raise the finance and the dealer is stuck with this one which is in my choice of black with tinting ready to go. One down point, it is December 2004 compliance plate, only 50km on the clock so it is new but a 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~ not sure what to to do. They are offering it for the same price as an I-tech, I think your USA 6 prius.. What should I do ????
New sheriff in town, you mean me? Probably not anymore, now that I travel to Tampa alot. And if I get close to empty with Tania, in the car, forget about me trying to drive far on blinking. I thought I'd make 700 this tank, even if my MPG was just 54-56. It started blinking yesterday evening at 630 I think. Since last week I ran out after driving 87 miles on blink, I thought I'd stop and get gas at 2.19 from Shell. Only to find a Shell across the street a mile up was 2.16 this morning.
Massoud..Yea the plate says manufactured in DEC 2004..>>?? If so it is still considered a 2005 I think, Let the more knowledgeable weight in too, but a DEC 04 MFG date usually carried to 2005., after Aug or Sep 05 MFG., these would get here late 2005 or even in 2006, so they are considered 2005. The way to check is to use the VIN number, Toyota will identify the considered model year in that number. If the VIN Number returns a 2004, then you should bargain more, if the VIN returns a 2005 model, buy it. The dealer should be able to input the car VIN and identify it from TOYOTA, in this country a 12/04 MFG date would be considered a 2005 not a 2004 Priuis. Hope this helps...
Masoud said... "I am lucky that the dealer has a black one with all the bits plus $4k of extra krap..." I don't want to go off on a rant here, but I'm sorry Masoud. In my humble opinion you are anything but lucky. You are being taken to the cleaners and don't even know your pants are off. The guy who was "lucky" was the guy who walked away from that option-overloaded, car. It may be different in OZ, but here in the US, the cars are slowly becoming more available. So the price gouging dealers who added all that high-profit krap are getting stuck - or selling at deep discounts from the secondary "sticker." These clowns will also suffer from the deservedly bad reputation they brought upon themselves. But... I'm a capitalist first, so as long as it's your money, and nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy the option loaded Prius... go for it. But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong...
When I ordered my car I told the dealer, I would not accept a loaded down, leather and Nav 30,000 special. After awhile, and me turning one car down he got a $23,900 car..Massoud ONLY IF you desire to use the NAV and stuff like that is it good to buy it, also bear in mind Leather gets hot...(Australia) have to do what is right for your needs. Only savings grace is if you ever get another the extra stuff may make it easier to sell, you will not get all the money back, but it will sell. I hate buying options I don't want or need, I always use maps for example, but some people swear by the NAV. Some people love the leather, again you must be the judge of that. Good luck and if you do get this one, it still sounds like one heck of a HOT CAR. ps try and bargain the dealer down in the price, counter offer 5% lower out the door and tell him if he says yes it is a done deal. Turn down all the other crap, especially the insurance, you can shop around later and get that.
Thanks guys, wow so much information. We don't have a leather option here I will try for 5% off otherwise will wait for a true 2005vin.