Has anyone checked the gas mileage on a tank of gas using just power mode? Did a search could not find anything on this. I'm using the power mode a lot more these days.I never use "ECO"!! Need warmer weather here before I hit that 51MPG mark!! Good times, Scott
It's been discussed. Here's one and people have reported getting better mpg (probably because power mode forces you to use the ICE when it's more efficient to do so rather than baby the pedal).
I've just started my current tank on full-time power mode. I'm making an effort to accelerate with HSI just before power zone as well as inside the power zone when traffic allows. I will report back in 10 days.
My mom drove my car and I switched the buttons around on her. She drives so calmly that it doesn't impact her driving! I think it would effect mpg using A/C though. I drive in Eco mode, it just helps me smooth out because I have a jumpy foot.
Update: My previous tank was 39mpg (actual). My second tank was 41mpg (actual) 45mpg (displayed). This second tank was entirely done with: -lower grill 100% -tires 40/38 -Power mode -acceleration done near or inside red PWR zone when traffic allowed. My 2.4L 4cyl Accord was getting 25mpg in similar weather.
i cant imagine someone driving in eco mode in the highway unless you want to drive in the middle of the lane. I dont feel secure driving in eco mode in the high way. But i always drive in pwr mode. I'm not a mileage freek, i know that i'll get great mileage compared to my other cars with the prius
I drive 99% of the time in ECO mode. I only use POWER mode when I need to accelerate uphill on a highway ramp. I get 49.2mpg in cold New England weather in a 2010 Prius that has 2500 miles on it. I don't see the point of driving in POWER mode all the time. The 1.8 liter engine is strong enough to get me around in ECO mode. I do a lot of highway driving on Route 95 and don't see any issues driving in ECO mode.
With the electric motor it is really much more than 1.8 liter. Drove some in Power mode. For me it the car reacted too quickly. Good for slow uphill climbs. I think the best under normal circumstances is just the default regular mode.
Interesting - I have my tires slightly firmer but with similar other settings, and am working on a 51mpg tank (displayed), which should work out to 48mpg actual if I can keep it up. Of course, average temps lately have been in the high 30's to mid 40's, and are swinging back down again now. IMO, mileage isn't affected by which mode you use, it's affected by HOW you drive. If you use power mode to rocket away from stoplights, yes, that will hurt mpg - but the same if you put the pedal to the floor in ECO mode. And ironically, ECO mode can be less efficient if you under-accelerate on the pulses. I'm using PWR all the time and the only downside (IMO) is that gliding is more tricky - the pedal is too sensitive in the top 10%. It's still doable, but requires a very light touch (and bumps in the road can push it into the ICE startup range). ECO mode is easier for gliding, but way way too unresponsive in the 10-70% range - gives me leg cramps.
Thanks for the info,I wonder if your touring PKG is the same as our PKG V USA. 17" wheels? we have 10% ethanol plus the cold weather kind of zaps my mileage!!I'm happy with 40 MPG!! Scott
There are so many confounding variables that affect mileage it is difficult to tell. In my non-scientific observation, PWR vs ECO vs Standard mode doesn't seem to make a noticeable difference. Nevertheless, I like the feel of PWR mode over the others; it's a testosterone thing.
Well i was driving a 3.2 sedan before the prius so i am used to driving a car with some power. So i prefer power mode. Even that is not really enough for me. I dont really focus on getting 50 mpg. it says im getting 40 mpg on the dashboard lol. But thats still quite alot of mpg.
I have MPG envy! The average temp for my last tank I would est. to be (-12C) 10F. Temperature, and type of trip (short/long) are the main influences. Even if I stop for 15min to pick up milk, the engine cools enough that when I get going again, the first 2min will be 10L/100km (23mpg) or worse. I agree that mode is irrelevant. And yes Touring in (Canada) is similar to the V in the US, so I do have 17". I love them and I'd gladly pay the gas penalty.
Re: "REGULAR MODE" Since no one has mentioned this ... I started 99% in ECO for the 1st 900 miles, but didn't really care for the lack of response. Just use it in REGULAR mode now .... no need for POWER. No difference in milage ... Averaging 48 Calculated and 50.6 Computer in my total 1800 miles. Also, do enjoy using the EV in my neighborhood and around parking lots when engine in warmed. Bart in SoCAL
Question for you: what is the Canadian equivalent to the EPA estimate, and what did they give to the (Canadian) Prius? Edit: the reason I ask is because average temps in Canada are different from the average temp of the US, so...
Interesting... I wonder what their test pattern is like - must line up well with the "sweet spots" of the Prius ICE.