I think I would question his sincerity (get it? Question marks all over the suit? Huh? Huh?) But you should have taken the free money...
I have a bona-fide rant: I'm in a distance program for my graduate school. This means, I don't get to chose between the three different tracks that the campus students do, direct service, community organizing, or administration. I'm stuck with direct service, the only one they offer to us distance students. We still take as many credits as the campus folks and most importantly we do just as much butt time ( 30 hrs a term per class) We just do it in 8 hour blocks on weekends. In addition we get to do all the same reading and lots of additional butt time in front of our computers at home to "stay in touch" and "keep the conversations going" on blackboard etc. All of this I can accept because I'm a single mom, I have to work, so I really have no choice if I want to get my degree. THEN... They announce that we can test out of one of next terms classes if we want to. :cheer2: It's a research statistic class. I took a year of research statistics in my undergrad program. I was the only doo-doo stupid enough to take Psychometrics as an elective. I emailed the coordinator to inquire about this test, thinking it would be totally worth it to study my brains out to get a break next term and only have to sit through 1 8 hour hell class on school weekends instead of two. Well.. you can test out of it, but then you have to replace it with a different elective. OK. So first, prove I already know the material, then take an additional class that everyone else doesn't have to take just so the program doesn't miss out on any cash flow. ( yeah, I know what it's really about) OK. I can go for that. Frankly I'm annoyed that I'm restricted and don't have access to the classes in the other two tracks anyway so, I'm willing to self study, pass the test, pay for and take an additional elective, drive to campus to take this once a week three hour class... all to improve myself and get something of value to me in my professional development. So today, I email the coordinator again only to hear back that ANY AND EVERY elective I could choose to take MIGHT be offered to my cohort in year three so..... It's all bullshit. They have put out this "test option" to challenge a class but made damn sure that there is no real way to do it. Wth? I annoy the crap out of them with my requests to have access to a meaningful relevant education. It's a damn good thing I work for someone willing to teach me the stuff I really need to know in order to be an effective professional. *end rant*
When I first moved to Minnesota (1970) I decided to sit in on some college classes. I approached professors and told them I am not an enrolled student, I don't pay fees, and I don't want course credits. I just want to learn stuff. Some of them balked and I left them alone. Others were delighted to have someone in the class who was there not for the credits but out of interest in the subject. I did the same classwork and homework, turned in papers, and got graded, only no records and no credits. Some might say I was stealing an education. But here's the thing: At that university students could test out of certain classes, but if they did they still had to pay for the credits! I reasoned that the university was not charging for the class time or the education, but only for the record-keeping of earned credits. As I was not getting credits, I should not have to pay. I did, however, buy all the textbooks from the bookstore. I did this for about three years, until I moved out of town. Most of those semesters I took two classes, so roughly half a normal course load, and I took none of the classes that freshmen were required to take, so even if I had gotten credits I'd have been nowhere near getting a degree. It was roughly two and a half decades later when I decided to study Spanish, and I enrolled in a different university and paid as a part-time student, and got credits. Three semesters of Spanish and a swimming class, however many credits that is. (I also had to take a GED test because I couldn't prove that I had actually graduated from high school.)
Eliminating health insurance companies (in favor of single-payer) would overnight probably cut 30% off our national expenditure on health care.
Health insurance is wonderful when you are unemployed. I signed up for Blue Shield just before the 90 day limit last year when I lost my job. It is really just in case something catastrophic happens - there is a $4500 deductible to meet before it starts to cover anything. It is medical + dental, but the dental only paid $20 towards getting my teeth cleaned; I had to pay $80 out of my pocket. They just raised the monthly premium from $178 to $207.