50 mph, oncoming driver turns in front of me, just avoided a perfect tbone. Love those airbags, saved my knees.
Yeah, be thankful for microseconds and technology. Glad to hear you're OK but take care of yourself for a few days--sometimes these things don't all show up right away. And yeah, those knee airbags make a difference. Not many cars have them. Best to ya! T
WoW! Glad you walked away from that! Those are some pics!! Be extra gentle with yourself for a few days at the very least!
Ouch. Glad you're OK. Amazing you could walk away from that. I know I've used this phrase before but you can always get another car, you can't get another you! Will they repair that car in the US or will it be 'written off' as we call it here and sold for scrap? If it is will you replace it with another 2010 Prius?
That could be a total loss. From the pics, I'm guessing that car got bent pretty bad and there could be engine(s) and tranny damage. You really do not want that car back.
Glad to know you walked away from this. It does seems the knee-airbag help tremendously. I am curious how US papers/TV news would react if those photos were used to claimed another near-fatal accident due to possible "brake-related" problem...
Thanks for the comments. I really do not want to have this one repaired. I am ready to purchase another 2010 immediately.
Yes. There we many pieces parts all over the road. The passenger side doors will open or close properly. Lots of fluids on the road as well.
The brakes and airbags performed flawlessly, as well as the seatbelt. I don't think my face touched the steering wheel airbag, but my knees definitely made contact with the lower bag. I credit the Prius safety system with preventing any injury to myself and probably saving my life. It was amazing how the car absorbed the energy and buffered the impact from my body.
Can I have your traction battery? : ) j/k. However I do wonder how long it would last sitting on the shelf unused for 10-12 years before I might need a new one for my incidentally the same 2010 White Prius...
Pieces/parts all over the road? Fluids? I assume you meant to say the doors will NOT open or close properly. It's totaled. Do not let the insurance company try to get you to fix it, it can NOT be fixed "right". Was there a clear "at fault" in the accident? Did the other driver admit fault? Was there a police investigation? If so, what were their conclusions? Collect all the evidence and get loaded for bear. The other guy's insurance company will fight like hell not to pay. They will script him on what to say when your insurance company interviews him to make it look like you or nobody was at fault. You need to get seriously prepared for a fight. And you might have to fight with your insurance company to make sure they fight on your behalf.