If your foot is off the brake you press the power button once for accessories mode and once again to turn the cars systems to on but the engine is not started.
Thanks bk2k! By ready the manual says this is with the engine not started that means no brake when you press the power button on the car, correct? It should be easier to do this but I am used to it locking and unlocking with Park and going into D mode now so I'm keeping that setting.
I brought the car to the dealer today to get them to change the programming. They said they could not change the doors to lock at 12mph as the manual states. The only options in the setup computer were either auto locking on or off, but not at 12 mph. They also said there were no setups to change the volume of the Bluetooth over the speakers. Big surprise is they said there is a $40 charge to change the options, but they waived it this time because the could only do 1 of the 3 things I wanted. The one thing they could change was the backup beep.
I wouldn't expect most of them to know about the bluetooth settings as I don't see it plainly documented in service manuals either.
To change to 12mph locking is a user programmable option, not a dealer option. I changed mine to 12 mph locking. manual page 69/70. you have to turn off the locking out of park, and on the 12mph setting. Read my post about page 69 misprint.
Auto Locking when I take the care out of 'P' is fine and the default but I'm wondering if Auto Unlocking when I put the car into 'P' is a good idea to just unlocking everything automatically. Likely I am the only one in the car and I don't really want to unlock everything or need to. Is there a way to disable just the Unlocking when going to 'P'? I'm sure there will be extra tricks for this one.
I feel right now like I'm going to make a big deal out of this--maybe a safety issue that Toyota will have to address. Scenario #1... I pull into a rest stop late at night to consult a map, change CDs, make a cell phone call (I don't have blue-tooth yet) and put the car into 'P'ark. The doors all open up all around. Someone walks past the car, opens up a door and robs me or worse. I DON'T WANT the DOORS TO UNLOCK AUTOMATICALLY LIKE THIS! I don't want them all to unlock if I open up just the drivers door. HOWEVER, it is very convenient to have all the doors _lock_ automatically when I move out of 'P'ark. I think this _is_ a safety issue. Scenario #2... You 'P' at a railroad crossing 5 minutes for a train to pass. There are peditrians hanging around on the sidewalk next to your car. Sooo... I want to leave 'locking' activated but deactivate 'unlocking'. Can I do the change? Can the dealer do the change?
Direct your dealer to the owner's manual, Section 6-2 "Customization" (around page 589, probably depends on region/edition), and you will find that the setting to automatically LOCK or UNLOCK doors are separate functions and can be enabled or disabled. But really, if you are concerned about some random stranger coming up to your car and trying the door on the off chance that it might be unlocked, I think you are far more likely to encounter a rear-ending collision while you are "parked" than to have someone come up like that. I leave never lock my car doors because I employ the "herd advantage" that is used for people who refuse immunizations: the chance that a random car's doors are unlocked are so low, most criminals would not causally walk by and try every door just to see if its open.
Thats not true. Mine doesn't lock or unlock at all. I've changed all the settings I can imagin but that one (since I have access to the trip computer to the Prius). Didn't even know it exsisted till now.
I don't know how to enable this function on the electronic key. However, I do know how to toggle between 1-door and 3-door unlocking for SKS (the sensor on the door handle). This works on the 2010 Prius II. 1. Stand outside the car with the remote. 2. Lock the car with the remote. 3. Simultaneously press all 3 buttons on the remote and keep them pressed for 5 seconds.
Is the customization to turn 'off' the unlock doors function when shifting into 'P' something I can do in some convoluted fashion or are these customizations something that the dealer must do? Can a laptop interface with the car and accomplish anything?
I'm not sure, but you will need special equipment (and possibly software) to connect the laptop to the car (see the Technical Discussion forum on ELM and other OBD-II scanners/programmers), and that's only if one knew the codes to use to program. Far easier to take it to the dealer and have them program it with their laptop and software (TechStream?). It's too bad we don't have the TechStream manual (perhaps someone here is familiar with you) so that you could point the techs to the proper menu/option/manual page, but I'd assume showing them the manual specifying each option and the default value should be a good start for them to figure out how to adjust the default values. If you haven't already, I strongly urge you to read the manual cover-to-cover.
Got the answer to changing the door so it does not unlock when you press P Get in car, close door. Put car to ready Press drivers side door unlock Count 5 seconds (one-onethousand, two-one thousand, three...) let go of door lock The car locks and unlocks. I did this twice just to test it and got it to work. If you hold the unlock too long it does not work, not long enough it does not work. :juggle: Good Luck!
Yes, it is true... I really should read more in the manual. All the points are well taken though and I think it far far easier to let the dealer make the customization for me with their proper equipment and training. This item will be one I just let the dealer do. Thanks.
I see you are in the UK, I picked up my Prius yesterday and the doors don't lock/unlock automatically when you drive off. Could you please outline how you enabled the auto locks? Thanks
Prius in the UK doesn't even get the option to AUTO LOCK/UNLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been looking in the manual and no such option yet you guys want to turn yours off!!! I WANT TO HAVE THE OPTION. Whats wrong with having it open and close for you? You are not going to open the door while the car is in drive anyway. I DON't understand you guys.