Given the job loss rate in Detroit and similar cities, and the political activities of the UAW, something like this might be in order... Chuck
With that LOVELY image posted above fresh in our minds ... ... I made my own "bumper sticker" that I've placed at the very top of the lift-back glass. It Reads: Hybrid Technology ... Change We Can Believe In If or when I can figure out how to include a picture of it here, I'll do so.
Unions screw themselves out of jobs. I've seen twice in places where police unions refused to renegotiate contracts instead of taking layoffs.... and now cops are being laid off. The UAW, while not the only cause of GM's (and Chrysler) failure are a huge contributor. Labor costs are markedly higher when unions are involved. Anyway, my bumpersticker (in addition to my "Who Is John Galt?" sticker) might be something like NOT SAVING THE WORLD WITH THIS CAR AGW IS A SCAM AL GORE - SUCK IT!
I saw some Prius/Hybrid-specific stickers on a website, but I'm too lazy to track it down right now. Former CIA director James Woolsey has a sticker on his Prius that says something like "Osama bin Laden is afraid of my Prius". I was thinking something more like "Drive a gas guzzler, feed a terrorist", but that might be too confrontational for some. I like darelldd's avatar picture, that says it all. I like the Fusion hybrid, had it been available when I bought my car, I would have seriously considered it. I've always said that when an American company builds a car that gets over 40mpg, it's at the top of my list. But they didn't do that for the 20 years I was driving previous to buying the Prius.
Awesome thread. My GF has promised that I can rip off the prius emblem and replace it with PIOUS I did some searching and I can't seem to find anyone that's done it. Any suggestions?