I sat there and laughed when I saw it. I don't care, this is funny. Must be a West Virginia Toyota Driver Problem. This recall is really starting to annoy me. The dealers are getting slammed with panicking Toyota owners for all these recalls. With the quantity of snow we had I had a slight mishap with the Prius. I caught the oil door panel and popped it loose driving through some high snow. I stopped at the dealer on Wednesday and was told it would be at least two and a half weeks to get the car in to fix the panel. The service writer told me to just reach under the car and rip the door/panel off. I stopped because the door was dragging and I didn't know how much damage I had done to it and I wanted to make sure all it needed was a plastic clip and not a complete door. Yep this guys is how you show your customers Toyota's real quality in customer service. You tell a customer with a 2010 Prius with less than 5K miles on the odometer to rip the hanging panel off? Stopped up at my Indy mechanic to have him zip tie it up until I could get into the dealer for a proper fix. He looked at it and said no problem I got a tool that will fix that. The tool was a plastic plug pop riveter. Slid the plug in squeezed the handle and the plastic expansion plug was securely in place holding the door closed. It took longer to put the car in the air on the rack than to fix the door.
Whats even funnier is when you come in after a few weeks and the dealer tries to tell you voided your warranty and/or need $600 for an official Toyota Plug pop riveter. I do have you beat though. I needed a motor mount on my old car about 7 years ago and I paid $25 dollars for it. I needed transmission service and the transmission guy showed me my old engine mount. It was a broken motor mount filled with silicon cement. The freakin guy 7 years ago never even put in a 25 dollar part, instead opting for a silicon rubber fix. When it comes to anything having to do with cars, I expect to get scammed, I just like to know where and how I am getting scammed before I sign.
i see toyota is taking it serieus. only toyota ;-) o wait thats only sony.... o well both from japan.
Can someone please make a mock rebuttal picture replacing the sign with "GAS GUZZLING STATIONS." and HYBRID OWNERS in the left lane.
ALS, Good story. I've had similar happen to me with other vehicles... On another topic, with regards to the attached photo...today's Washington Post, doing what the Washington Post does, it's beginning to ramp up it's stories about Toyota in preparation for the 3 Congressional hearings about all this mess. In any event, I read this little gem in today's front page story about Toyota - "In a 1989 report, the NHTSA asserted that drivers over 60 were far more likely than younger drivers to be involved in such an incident, suggesting that deteriorating reflexes are a contributing factor, too. In each of the three fatal cases involving '05 Camrys, the driver was older than 70."
Yes indeed... In Oregon for license renewal you don't have to take a driving test, any kind of reaction test, any written exam. Just pass the eye test and pay the meager fees and you are good for 8 more years. Nothing to stop you from driving until you have that crash and the cause gets pinned on your reaction time--if you are still alive. How will civilization deal with these inexperienced, young, easily distracted and older experienced with poor reaction drivers? Stay tuned... and don't forget about the person who reached behind to do something only to hit Stephen King. It's a mess out there and nobody knows what to do about it. I find it amazing that we put up with all the traffic deaths year in and year out--virtually all due to so many varieties of driver error.
So this is where the pic came from. I think this location would have been better. University motors, morgantown, wv - Google Maps just crash right into the service bay.